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  1. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Thank you everybody, maybe in future I will get another one but now I need time to think about it and deal with death of my boy... Would you anybody help me if I decided get another Cham?
  2. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Hello guys, unfortunately today my little boy was euthanised. He started be lethargic, sometimes had closed eyes during the day and wasn't able to eat or drink. His grip was totally weak and wasn't able to stand on his feet. I tried to find another vet but most of the vets didn't have...
  3. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Yea but then why my chams leg is deformed?
  4. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Thank you for these words but it is hard for me to see how my chameleon is sick
  5. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    I am using Arcadia 6% 39W. distance between basking branch and bulb is I think around 22 cm
  6. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Oh my god I am so dumb if he dies due to my fault I will never forgive myself :( :(
  7. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Well I don’t have solarmeter, so I can’t measure it, but I can order new uvb bulb and replace it.
  8. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    I can try find another vet but leg really looks deformed...
  9. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    well he was comparing what he saw 1 month ago with what he saw today(this is how he determined it). I don't know where is the issue
  10. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Should I replace 7 months old uvb bulb?
  11. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    So guys today I had vet appointment. His left leg is deformed and probably also his front legs are too. Vet gave him only injection with calcium(it should correct that tongue and also make his bones stronger). He didn’t make blood work or x-ray. He told me that it could be possibly gout but he...
  12. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Oh okay i didnt know
  13. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Thank you everyone for helping me!:)
  14. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Yes, thank you so much I will tell him if he will be saying again that blood work cannot be done
  15. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Actually I don't really remember but it seemed to be normal. About blood work I don't think that vet will do it because last time he told me that my Cham was too small for blood work. Maybe the x-ray wasn't good quality
  16. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    I hope he will be okay :(
  17. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Okay I will change supplements
  18. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    Yes I will but right now I need to figure out what is happening with him. Hopefully tomorrow I have vet appointment.
  19. Chameleon-lover

    Something is wrong

    But I can try to find somebody who sell for example Dubia or mealworms
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