Search handling. On other posts i explained my whole process i use to get my 2 veiled chameleons to walk onto my hand and be vary social. If i rember right one of the posts is called HANDLING QUESTIONS i hope this helps
Also .my chams are veilds and my female is a yr and my male is 5 months and...
So he calmed down in his little tank so i put him back in his normal cage. he is acting completely normal now. He is basking and walking perfectly fine, not falling... I kinda think he was really stuned but i still dont know why he fell while sleeping?
as for pictures i did take them but i...
Your Chameleon - 5 month old male veiled chameleon ,iv had him since feb 9th 2013
Handling - When he wants to come out he crawls on my hand byhimself almost everyday
Feeding -dubia, crickets most of the time10-12 and treats(meal,wax worms)Gutloaded with a recipe I found on here
My 5month old veiled chameleon fell a little more than a foot this morning about 630 am. It woke me up so i went to check on him after i heard him fall and he was on the bottom in the corner.I went to pick him up and he acted like he didnt know where he was his eyes were open but both stayed...
I thought people were going to bash me for handling:) I'm so glad people are giving it a try:)
I just put on the other post, it took me about a month and a half to get alue to crawl onto me with no food lure and for tiny Richter it's only been a month and he does the same so just have...
Your welcome!!
Let me know how it goes!! It only took me about a month and a half to get her where she is now and I month to get Richter(baby) the same way:)
just remember to have patients and don't rush it:) take baby steps
My female just laid her first clutch last month and I was worried about her but I just covered her cage and left her alone for almost 2 weeks she wouldn't eat but 3 days after I got worried enough to post about it she dug her hole and laid 46 eggs!!! With no problems:)
OMgosh!!!! Finally someone who tried this like me!!!!!!
I did the same process without the tongs when I first got my chameleon over 11 months ago and she walks right onto me without the food lure!!!
Check out the post labeled "handleing questions" I just posted how I did it like litterally...
I would like to share with you how I taught my veiled chams to love handling and ask for my attention, I am a positive reinforcment dog and cat trainer, I know that chams are way different but I read in one of my Cham books that chameleons will and can retain information..:)...
My female veiled just laid her first clutch of 46 eggs and was in her covered cage for 2 weeks with a bin, I got worried and posted too, but after a few more days she did it!!! Everyone reasurred me that it will just take some time so I waited and then she did, don't worry it will happen:)
Hello, that is so sweet, my chameleon will lay on my chest and rest her head but she has never slept with me! I think that is sweet, and I also think people underestimate the connection and bond you can have with a chameleon... I have a female veiled cham that is EXTREAMLY friendly, she walks on...
Your Chameleon - Female veiled,around a yr old,had her for 11ish months
Handling - Everyday, she walks right onto my hand the second I open her door and then free ranges above her cage she has a jungle gym of vines etc I only make her sleep in the cage cuz I have a cat and dogs
And I'll fill out the thingy :)
After:(easier to see when she is dark and basking)
Hello everyone, let me first say, thank you to the two people who answered and took a look at my pictures and gave me their opinion, I'm in no way doubting you thoughts or coments on alue's skin I just wish more people would have looked and comented 2 is great but more is better :)
for those...
Hello, I had the same problem with my female veiled cham. She didn't eat or even look at her roaches for around two wks... Then she took one from my hand and then another wk she wouldn't take them and then she ate 3 out of her meal worm dish, after the 3 wks she figured out she likes them and...
Here is a better closer picture of her skin as you can see it's worse towards her tail. It covers the lower part of her body almost an inch from her spikes on her back and 3/4 of her tail!?!? If anyone has seen this type of discoloration and can offer me any info it would be extremely...
Here is the link if anyone wants to see alue (Uh-loo) at her brightest.. This is her colors all the time unless basking! :)
Aw thank you!! She knows it too, you should see her when she is brighter!! Could you see the weird line of whitish color by her tail is where it's easiest to see :) I will post a picture when she is nice and bright for you:) also the whitish color is only visible when she is dark??
She is about a yr and she got her yellow and blue around 6 months old I thought she was dirty but it's been a while since she laid them... And I also thought she was going to shed but she hasn't
I don't know y its not working even threw photo bucket but here is the url.