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  1. Z

    Pics of Matisse

    Are you crazy? Please think of a safer way to hang your feeding cup! Chams are known to shoot at bright shinny objects. One shot at that exposed screw on the brass eye hook and his tongue is shredded. Tongue amputation is possible but then you will be stuck hand feeding your new cham for the...
  2. Z

    Yoshi, Pics & Video

    Thanks Emi, He is a ton of fun!
  3. Z

    Yoshi, Pics & Video

    Yeah he loves a little CCR with his wax worms!
  4. Z

    Yoshi, Pics & Video

  5. Z


    Most resources will advise you to stay away from snails. While you are correct they should provide a different set of nutritional vitamins and minerals, they often carry very high parasite levels. It seems not worth the risk involved.
  6. Z

    Available light.

    I have never witnessed my paradlis eating their shed. The parsonii seem to eat 80% of their shed. They are most interesting in all aspects. They have a tendency to do things that make me loose sleep, until I decide they are just weird and do not worry about that thing till they do the next...
  7. Z

    Available light.

    Yes Will they do. Really cool stuff, they actually chase it down and shoot it. Here are two pics of Wasabi after he shot this piece of skin.
  8. Z

    Available light.

    I have never liked the look of flash in my photography. With the chams spending their first night and full day in their new cage it is amazing what natural light does for you lenses! Hope you enjoy! One of my under-photographed Mitsio females recovering after a recent clutch...
  9. Z

    Weekend Project

    I have no problems with ants in my area so I am fortunate. But any enclosure like this must be closely monitored when in use for a myriad of potential dangers. One thing you must keep in mind is the ants are attracted to food. As long as you do not build the enclosure on top of a mound, they...
  10. Z

    Weekend Project

    Well you guys are in trouble now. The new cage presents way to many photographic opportunities! I spent the morning watching everyone warm up. Overview of enclosure. A few of the better captures from the morning.
  11. Z

    Weekend Project

    Sorry double post
  12. Z

    Weekend Project

    Thanks guys. Yes I have spent most of the last two day sitting in a chair just outside the door! The 1/2" fittings are sold by Orbit misting systems and come that way. Great design as you can just unscrew them and change them for different pattern heads to adjust coarseness, angel of spread...
  13. Z

    Weekend Project

    Ok well here is the update. I am really pleased with how this project turned out. I think that it will end up being on of my favorite additions to my cham keeping obsession! I am not completely done furnishing it but it is up and some chams are in. The misting system was created from 1/2"...
  14. Z

    Anyone have videos?

    Thanks, both videos are of parsonii in my collection.
  15. Z

    Can Anyone Help?

    Unfortunately it will be impossible for any of us to even make a random guess, much less provide useful advice without some info. If you check the sticky at the top of the Health Forum there is a list of questions you should try and answer, call your friend if you do not know all the answers...
  16. Z

    Anyone have videos?

    Here are my two: Wasabi in "Wasabi's Silkworm" and Je-uel in "Hide-n-Seek"
  17. Z

    2 Qs (Worms and Crickets)

    To my knowledge no one ships freshly hatched silkworms. I do not breed silks, too much trouble, I just hatch. I try and buy 5000-10000 eggs at a time and keep them in the fridge. I hatch out 50-100 at a time every two weeks or so, this way I have a small constant supply of various sizes. I...
  18. Z

    2 Qs (Worms and Crickets)

    He is NOT too small for worms. Pinhead silkworms are great for little guys, as soon as they start shooting. I use what I have termed silkworm lollypops. Just put a ball of chow about the size of a small marble on the end of a tooth pick, lay it in a mass of newly hatched silkworms (or...
  19. Z

    Dimming light timers

    Actually... fluorescents have been dimmable for years. You simply need a controller for the purpose that ramps them up and down. To get them to ramp up smoothly you will need to use grounding planes on the bulbs to level the arc out through the tube. Most controllers are only compatible with...
  20. Z

    A Shock

    The world would be exactly like it is now. See writing emails, posting in eccentric forums, creating blogs, and arguing in chat rooms change nothing. Business exist to make money, as long as there is demand they will continue to sell. If some of you are truly outraged then pull your business...
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