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  1. javsto

    Comment by 'javsto' in media 'IMG 3496'

    great colors !!!!
  2. javsto

    baby veiled eating invisible food

    instead of using a clear or semi transparent bowl, use a colored one that he cant see through or just let them free range and allow him to hunt as he would in a natural setting. what size crickets are you using? At that age he should be eating 1/4 to half inch crickets I would say.
  3. javsto

    Sleep in the same room as cham?

    Both of my cham cages are in my bedroom, my vieled, whom I is over 2 years old and which I purchased when he was about 3 months old is right next to my bed and never seems to have any problems sleeping at night with my tv and pc on at any hour. you should be fine so long as your not physically...
  4. javsto

    Odor control

    Ive had my chams now for almost 3 years and I usually control the fecal odors with Clorox lemon scented wipes, which I use every few days to clean out the bottoms of their cages, both of which are in my bedroom. I also sometimes use a shop vac to get into the corners or to get any that is in...
  5. javsto

    Jackson babies a month old now

    I had 5 born back in February and within a week I was down to 3 and then I lost all the rest in one week at the three month age, one after the other.
  6. javsto

    Help with breeding Silkworms and Hornedworms.

    I buy hornworms container from a local dealer in long island for $15 and that contains about 2 dozen worms and if I don't manage to feed them all to my adult veiled cham by the time they eat all of the chow that comes with the container, I feed them any left over Repashy Bug Burger that I use to...
  7. javsto

    Exo-Terra Monsoon

    Ive had my monsoon for about 2 years, give or take, and it has never failed me once. If your not familiar with its settings, it has two knobs. One knob is the cycle which allows for 1,2,4,8,12,16,20 & 24 hours settings. The second knob is the duration in seconds for how long it will run when...
  8. javsto

    Better gravid female food

    Is there a better type of food to give a pregnant cham, either egg laying or live bearing that is preffered by you more experienced owners here? Something that will help in the long run to produce more healthy offspring? Also anything to avoid or cut back on ?
  9. javsto

    New sambava has arrived

    where did you buy him from?
  10. javsto

    Jackson's age when slugs appear

    I purchased both of my Jacksons at the Long Island Reptile Expo, the male in Feb 2012 and the female in October 2012. I don't remember the name of the vendor who sold me the male but the female I purchased from LLL Reptile. They sold me a "kit" which included a small reptibreeze cage, a simple...
  11. javsto

    Jackson's age when slugs appear

    I purchased a female jacksons from LLL at a reptile show and the vendor estimated her age at about 6-8 months old and I housed her for about 2 weeks with my Jacksons male and then put her into her own cage and kept placing them together at least one weekend a month for the next six months and...
  12. javsto

    Scared of Dubia??

    I just got back from the Long Island Reptile Expo and I bought some feeders for half price of what I normally buy them at my local stores. As an added treat a local vendor that I normally do business with gave me a couple of male dubia roaches free as a sample meal but when I got home and...
  13. javsto

    Sambava or Tamatave for sale?

    Im looking to make a purchase within the next three months, hoping to get either a juvi Tamatave or Sambava, between 4 months and 1 year old, no older than that panther male. If anybody has any in their stock or knows of someone who might be selling, please hit me up with their contact email...
  14. javsto

    Milk carton feeder

    I remember once reading about how someone used an old plastic milk container as a feeder type thing inside their cham cage but don't remember how they constructed it. I was hoping that someone here can redirect me to that article or tell/show me how to do so. Can the feeders (crickets/roaches)...
  15. javsto

    Is this plant "safe"???

    hmm I cant seem to find that safe plant list, Ive seen the one on FLCHAMS website but Im not sure how complete it is.
  16. javsto

    Is this plant "safe"???

    I was wondering if this plant that I saw at Home Depot this past weekend is safe to use in my veiled cage, its called a Celosia. I googled it and it says that it is edible but Im not sure if its ok for a cham. This particular one that I saw was a nice shade of purple and seemed to be a...
  17. javsto

    Vertical Lighting for Jackson's Chameleon?

    exchange it for the correct size fixture and use the extra $$$ for an extra bulb which you will eventually need anyway.
  18. javsto

    How much money is enough?

    Vet costs aside, I try to keep costs down to a minimum with my three chams. I always try to buy in bulk when it comes to non perishable supplies either from discount websites like Ebay/Amazon or straight from vendors via the bi-annual reptile show in my area which I do end up saving on both...
  19. javsto

    Jackson Love

    yeah thats $50 too much for a female jacks
  20. javsto

    Jackson Love

    plus if it is Petco that the cham is located, you can get a very cheap yet very large exo-terra kit that normally costs over $300 for about $30 from if you hurry.
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