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  1. javsto

    Jackson Love

    try, they are a sponsor. You can also try contacting forum member flyty808, she is/was a Jacksonii Jacksonii breeder and I wanted to purchase one of her babies last year until I ran into some trouble with the IRS. She had very nice selection at the time.
  2. javsto

    Where can I get food for a good price?

    Are there no specialty reptile stores anywhere near where you live? The place where I bought my original vieled cham sells crickets 500 for $15 but another place I found sell them 1000 crix for $20 so do some checking and see what you can find or look into breeding your own colony at home.
  3. javsto

    Live Plant food

    Good morning, does anybody who uses live plants in thier cages use some sort of liquid or solid plant food aside from just basic water? What is the better method to keep yuour plants healthy and alive yet not cause harm to your pets cham or any feeders that are in the cage and eventually consumed?
  4. javsto

    Getting a male Jackson's in one month!

    I have a breeding pair of common Jacksons and she gave birth to three babies this past February. I sold all three of them to a local pet store last month and at that time, they were still not really able to identify what the gender of them were. when I stopped by yesterday to pick up some...
  5. javsto

    For those of you with a 36" tall reptibreeze Cage...

    I have two of the 18x18x36 reptibreeze cages and when I have to change out the plants, I just open the main door and then just pop out the smaller cleaning door from the hinges and easily slide in/out the plant with no issues at all.
  6. javsto


    Hello, I recently purchased a Glowfish tank kit for my young nephew as well as a few fish and I noticed a great difference in color from the normal lighting to the blue LED lights and I was wondering if anyone uses these LEDs or a blacklight for thier chams and if there is a notable difference...
  7. javsto

    Parasite cleaning?

    I had three baby jacksons born this past february. They all died within the past 10 days. They always ate, every day, fruit flies and pinhead crickets, watered with automatic mister three times a day, every 4 hours for 3 minutes, kept them in a small size (12x12x18) Exo Terra Rainforest...
  8. javsto

    Astro turf as substrate?

    better than paper towels, maybe asthetically but you will still have to clean it up everyday since it wont absorb anything such as too much water or poop like paper towels that you can just pick up and throw out. you are going to have to mop up the astroturf every day and it isnt soft at all...
  9. javsto

    Free Chameleon food on the East Coast this spring!!!

    I was just about to post a similar question about this, if anyone was around 17 years ago who knows whether or not it is safe to feed to a large cham like panthers or vieleds, since they get pretty big and crunchy. Im not sure how to gutload them or just dust them heavily since they are pretty...
  10. javsto

    When do baby veileds start to develop colors?

    he wont, vieleds are mainly green with some yellow or torqourise ( not sure of the spelling) and spots of black. Reds, blues, orange are mainly associated with Panthers from what Ive seen. sorry to burst your bubble and expectations.
  11. javsto

    Rookie mistake

    most screen cages that I have seen have a two portion door, the main door to access the full interior and a smaller door along the bottom that you can open to remove a substrate tray or for general cleaning. do you have that type of cage? just clean it out by using that smaller door so that...
  12. javsto

    New And A Lot Of Questions???

    24x24x48" is VERY TALL cage for such a small cham and if your adamant about using it then I would suggest that you put some sort of bedding on the bottom of the cage to prevent any injuries from falling, which will happen no matter how close you watch him. use some paper towels, bunched up all...
  13. javsto

    beginner in need of help with baby jacksons

    150watt Is wayyy to high for a basking, that could be why its hiding on the bottom of the cage, to cool off instead of being up near it. I use a 75watt bulb and my temps are around 80 degrees max and the 3 babies I have in the cage are always climbing up near the top as well as constantly...
  14. javsto

    I need help picking real plants

    I only use umbrella plants, safe to eat like my vieled sometimes does, easy to take care of and usually cost less than $15 during the season, $5 off season if you can find one. Some times they are all green or green with yellow plants and can usually find them in perfect size for an 18x18x36" cage.
  15. javsto

    beginner in need of help with baby jacksons

    How big is your cham and what size crickets are you feeding him? Also what is the wattage of your heat source? Also does he have any way to climb up high if necessary? any vines or twigs that can help him climb up? is he missing any claws on his feet that would prevent him frum climbing up...
  16. javsto

    Odour in enclosure..OK a POO smell!

    WOW Multiple 20 minutes of misting per day? I probably mist for a grand total of 15 min all day but then again I have smaller cage and smaller plants so that would be areason for less "swampy" smell.
  17. javsto

    Repashy Bug Burger vs. Super gutload

    whats the difference, pro vs con, between using Bug burger over Super gutload to feed my crickets?
  18. javsto

    Glass Terrarium?

    I just bought a 12x12x18" exo terra tank for my three jacksons babies and it came with everything, fake plant, large jungle vine, fake rock background, small rock dish, a couple of fake plants that stick on the side, thermometer, hydromete, compact uva lamp (no bulb) and best of all, a brick of...
  19. javsto

    Crickets in cage at night

    one thing you might want to consider is that the bottom pvc of your liner is completely flush with the four sides of the cage. Ive had problems in the past with the pvc bowing or not being full sized and giving enough space for feeders, especially crickets, to escape. I like to use tape to...
  20. javsto

    Having trouble

    as far as feeding, I just throw in crickets a few times a week and let them free range (hunt) them down like they do normally. I never bothered with a cup or feeding dish. Sometimes at night, since the cage is in my bedroom and if im online playing WOW or watching tv, I occasionally hear a...
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