Well she hasn't gone near the bottom... She jus hangs as close to the top as she can. It seems she really isn't too happy in there she hasn't been napping durring the day she's been pretty alert. No signs of digging but to be honest I hav never noticed her hanging at the bottom of her cage to...
Thank you bridgofaith for making the vet option clear to me. That options is well understood and hopefully it does not come to that. As of right now I jus now have placed her in a garbage bin with about a foot and change of dirt and two tree branches.. Getting her in there was very stressful for...
All advice is well apriciated and I will go and buy a garbage bin today. Hopefully she is promoted to dig and we can move on to keeping her healthy.. I have visited all links provided and thank you. Kinyonga the link to a local vet search was helpful n it seems that there are several places near...
Well I brought my girl to the reptile store to be seen.. The owner in no way has specialist credentials but he has a great amount of experiance with a variety of chams as well as plenty other exotic reptiles. His outlook on the situation was that she is not ready to lay and is still developing...
Ok well with the best luck in the world, the local vet burnt down a week ago!!! Amazing right? But the local reptile store is willing to check her out exactly what help they can provide, I don't know but I guess it's worth a try at this point.. Any further advice and tips on reducing stress on...
her again around the time i noticed change in behavior
today taking a day nap:confused:
even through all my confusion with her not eating and not seeming to be eager to dig to lay if she is ready, she still seems healthy
On a better note i got her to eat!!! i literally had to put a spoon with a waxworm right in her face.. she ate 4 and i got in some much needed calcium.. she also ate 2 superworms after, she didnt seem to want anythin else after that.. she still hasnt gone near the laying bin but she has been...
Eliza.. I peeped around the breeding threads a little today and I will keep some things in mind and will do some furthur searching within that thread later on.. Thanx
this is her around the time she started not to eat
this is her now(not a great pic)
this is a bin i jus put in yesterday the 3rd one i am trying it runs along the side of her tank(new screen enclosure will b here on thurs) front to back
A trash can does seem lik a fairly logical solution I think will try that I will give it maybe a day or 2 to c what it's looking like...thanx I still will post pics later when I get home.
The laying bin is easy for her to get to with moist soil .. As for a bigger bin at this point that is not an option due to the size of her enclosure.. I should be recieving a bigger screen cage this week, and will b able to improvise from there.. But still in all she still hasn't seemed to have...
Thanx for the replies.. I will try a different feeder for her tomorow but I know the only other feeder I will get a hold of quickly will be waxworms.... As for how big the laying bin is it is about 8" deep it is a half a circular plant pot fm home depo approx 16" long and 6" wide.. But the thing...
I hav a female veiled for maybe 2 to 3 months now, she is going on close to a year old but I am not 100% sure.. Her eating habbits were great till now, she would aggressively go at anything that moved.. It seemed she could eat much more than I would give her.. But recently I noticed a little...