Is your cage cricket proof? I was thinking something like that, but not two doors, just wider and taller with one door, looks nice, exactly what I want to build.
What type of screen did you use?
How big should it be?
Where can I get the coated wire, and how much does it cost?
And where would I get a tray meant for a shower stall, I do not understand what you mean?
I priced out the wood today, it should only cost about $30 for the wood, but I am not sure how I should make a door...
Right on, I might try to pick one up locally if I can find one, it always seems odd to ship animals, I mean what if he gets injured or something?
I am going to go to Home Depot this weekend and start getting marterials for the enclosure, I am trying to figure out the drainage situation though
Yup, I am up in North Phoenix/Scottsdale near the Desert Ridge area.
I think now that I have more time and patience to devote to the cham, and some basic experience, I will do much better this time around!
I am probably going to get my cham from FlChams again, they have a 4 month old juvi...
I am going to be getting a chameleon here in a month or two, and I am going to try building a custom cage.
My plan is to build a 18x24x48 enclosure out of 1.5X1.5inch beams.
What type of screen would be best? I want high visibility, but I want it to be cricket proof. Suggestions...
Awesome. I am slowly buying everything again, I still have the Calcium and Multivitamin Supps and lots of cricket food.
I am going to build my own cage out of 1.5x1.5 beams, I am going to start in the next few weeks.
Would I be alright starting off with a 24x24x48 tall enclosure? Or is that too big for a juvi? I was thinking of blocking off half of it if it's too big?
Also, I have a reptisun 5.0 from when I had my veiled, I only used it for that month, and it's been in my closet since, it's still good right?
I was too impatient with my first veiled, I bought him to young (2months), and though I could get away with raising him in a glass tank, but that showed to be a bad idea and he died after a month. :(
I want to try this again with the help of the cham forums, I want to do it right this time...
Thanks Guys.
I just bought a 16x16x30 screened enclosure (the black mesh ones) and I talked to Fl Chams and he is giving me a little discount on a new chameleon, I am going to order him this week.
I am not sure what happend, he seemed fine last night, but I woke up this morning and found him hanging from one back foot from the screen top, all black, and not moving, I quickly got warm water and misted him, but he did not move. I was worried for the last few weeks cause he was sleeping...
My roommate wants to sell his laptop:
It's a Dell Latitude D630 2.2ghz 2gb Ram 120GB HDD DVD-RW and built in WiFi. Its VERY light and portable, has a 14" screen, and is about 1 year old. I am including a genuine copy of Windows Office 2007 as well.
It is in perfect working condition, and...
I think he misread the article, you cut the plastic so you have like a snug fit plastic ring, but you glue screen to the top plastic and cut out the plastic for this very reason, and also so the cham can climb if needed.
I think he was asking if it would burn the material, but I may be wrong?
Plus, those calculations are all wrong, I use a 65W at 4 inches and the temp is only 82-85.
I am making mine a little taller than the one in the tutorial, it's closer to 24" tall, and I am using a 18" bottom instead of a 16" so I had to do the math and find the circumfrence to figure out how much screen I needed.