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  1. lovepicasso

    Can you see me???

    I can see one big eye looking out through the foliage and a very cute tail in the other....nice pics Lisa.
  2. lovepicasso

    Randall is a year old already!

    Happy Hatch Day Randall, you're a gorgeous big boy!
  3. lovepicasso

    Grumpy Veiled

    Hi and welcome to the forum.....patience and don't stress him out and he will warm up before too long.
  4. lovepicasso

    Has anyone ever seen a cham sleep like this?

    That is too cute....Picasso did sleep like that a couple of times when he was very young.
  5. lovepicasso

    The most chill Cham in the world...

    All I can say is that he is just awesome! that boy!
  6. lovepicasso

    T.J.Jacksoni 18 days old

    Nice pics, they are just adorable!
  7. lovepicasso

    May 2013 Photo Contest

    Congrats to the three winners, all great photos!
  8. lovepicasso

    lana is turning Purple

    I love purple, that would be awesome if more purple could come out.
  9. lovepicasso

    Melleri Room Finished!

    That is one awesome chameleon castle.....your chams have to be the happiest of all chams.
  10. lovepicasso

    My Ambanja is GLOWING!

    He is just awesome! all the color!
  11. lovepicasso

    Speedys progress

    They do grow fast, he looks beautiful!
  12. lovepicasso

    The Accidental Melleri

    Great job you have done with them, they look great! seeing all the pics of progression....that is quite a set up you have in the bathroom.
  13. lovepicasso

    Weird sleeping position

    A name and more pics would be nice, she is dorable!
  14. lovepicasso

    My New Mellers Chameleon!

    He is beautiful!
  15. lovepicasso

    Did I spook my boy ?

    Don't worry, Picasso gets all weirded out every time we take him out, I will be happy when he gets OK with being out, that sunshine is so good for them....until then it will just be a couple minutes at a time.
  16. lovepicasso

    Everyone's favorite game! How many babies?!?

    Sorry to hear that, but maybe she still could be and you can get your little ones climbing around sometime soon.
  17. lovepicasso

    "You got ANOTHER ONE"?????

    He is adorable.....I would love to have a couple more but I can't at this time, happy for you, congrats!
  18. lovepicasso

    Picasso turns one today!

    Thank you all for the hatch day wishes to Picasso, he had a great day and got all he wanted to eat and more.
  19. lovepicasso

    Picasso turns one today!

    Didn't know if my boy would see one year after his tongue trauma on Christmas day, but he has and today, happy hatch-day, I do so love this boy! HAPPY HATCH-DAY PICASSO!!
  20. lovepicasso

    Walker is confused...

    I think he looks gorgeous in any color!
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