My cham has not done this before but he once tried to sleep on the side of the enclosure so i took him and put him on a branch before he went to sleep.
Is this the first time hedoes this? If not i dont know what to tell you.
Yeah he is a veiled. Hes only tried climbing to the top once before but he hasnt done it since. His color is normal, sometimes darker when i try to handle him to clean his cage or other things like putting the crickets in his cage, he shows his petterns when he turns dark. And when he goes to...
My cham is in a screen enclosure 12" by 18" by 12"
and i was wondering if a basking area of 78-81 degrees is ok for my veiled cham.
I was thinking it was a little low. I am using a 75watt bulb, and i didnt want to change to a 100watt bulb because i didnt want to burn him.:(
If anyone...
A method that i use is rather easy i put the baby crickets for my veiled cham in a small round clear cup or tuplewear(spelling?) then i dust the crickets and put them in the cage, but before i put it in the cage i make sure i show my cham the cup so that he knows where they are. My cham just...
Hes about 11 weeks, hes doing really well.:)
And yeah i was talking about the basking bulb.
I recieved him from a friend who breeds chams.:D
Thanks for the info.
When i was cleaning my chams cage i took him out and put him on the tree that i have by my window, i finished cleaning and turned on the lights for his cage i was going to put him back in but i let him stay on the tree and eat the crickets i left in a cup for him before i was going to put him...
Where i live there is a pet store around the block it is a reptile store and i entered it to see if they had some supplies for my veiled cham. They seemed to have everything with their chameleons under control. They were kept in seperate cages and had a misting system in an open air reptarium...
My cham seems to be doing really well hes eating and drinking alright theres only one problem he usually has one of his eyes closed as if he were sleeping but the other one is looking around like normal.
Im worried about him and need some feed back as soon as possible.
Hey congrats,
i to am new at this but i was wondering if you put the two chams in different enclosures. If not you need to do that because it causes stress at the sight of another veiled chameleon.
Hey, i have a question.....
My veiled cham has two white spots on his nostrils.
it went away but then it came back can someone tell me what this is?:confused:
No, he eats closer to the ground....
and yeah i am dusting them with a calcium supplement.
I think its because i watch to see if hes eatin and that stresses him out.
Ill try and back off a bit when hes eating.
He is about 2 months old and the crickets are really small.
hes been eating them with ease.
hes been doing great.:D Hes eating and drinking. i was just concerned when he turned brown while he was eating the crickets from the cup.
when do you think i should start eeding him worms?
Do you know when i could start feeding mine mealworms?:confused:
when they turn brown when theyre feeding does that mean theyre stressed or just camaflouged(spelling?)?:confused: