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  1. Blue84

    What to do

    Not to be rude or anything but im new to the forums how do you post threads? Please message me and let me know. It would really be appreciated
  2. Member Album by Blue84

    Member Album by Blue84

  3. My Boy Blue

    My Boy Blue

    My new chameleon please anyone feel free to comment I've had him for a few weeks plus to tell me what ya think
  4. Blue84

    Black crickets.

    Thanks Eltortu!
  5. Blue84

    Black crickets.

    Does anyone know of a place that delivers crickets to your house im new to the forums so please message me or will ill get an update on this post?
  6. Blue84

    Housing Experience?

    oh and im new to the "forums" so please any tips would be much appreciated ive read over and over about my chameleon but im sure trial and error is prolly so much better on feedback so please again feel free to drop in and give me tips thanks!
  7. Blue84

    Housing Experience?

    hi all i just bought an glass terrarium for my young veiled chameleon Blue lol but how long before should i move him into a bigger habitat!!
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