I got my first Chameleon at the Pamona Reptile Expo. 3 days ago. Hes a Fischer's about 4 months old, and seems healthy as can be. Hes acting as if hes gotten accustomed to his new home (by that I mean hes no longer trying escape...) I put a few gut loaded crickets dusted with calcium supplement...
Yes I did, I got the last male :p I think no one wanted him cause he had a crooked horn :( poor guy, but now hes having a good time (and his horn is straightening out) he actually was a bit bigger than the rest. anyway, hes awsome
At the Reptile Super Show
Got me my first chameleon hes a fischer's about 3 1/2- 4 months old, and his name is Goggles, hes sitting on my head right now :) that place was defiantly interesting...