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  1. firecat998

    My Fish/Turtle Tank :D

    yeah i though ppl couldnt really keep hem anymore maybe its just the uk
  2. firecat998

    Our Corn Snakes... (pics)

    hmmm dunno what happend there my pic didnt upload ill try to get on soon or you can see them on my website
  3. firecat998

    Our Corn Snakes... (pics)

    aww there lovely here is my grey ratsnake mero i have anther one too kevin there great (that sounds like a cornflake advert lol)
  4. firecat998

    My Fish/Turtle Tank :D

    cool a red eared slider arnt they cool i had one of them as kid i love them little guys dont see them much anymore here in the uk
  5. firecat998

    Mating Vid. (not Graphic)

    woah big vivaruim cool
  6. firecat998

    Hi y'all

    hello welcome to the forum i have a little vieled shes so cute theres a pic of her in my gallery
  7. firecat998

    Sleeping colors

    my veiled chameleon also goes a light green when shes sleeping theres a photo of her in my gallery let me no hat u's think of her
  8. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    aww cute we spray Yelina 2-3 times a day too
  9. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    how often do u's spray your chameleons iceman whats ur chameleons name?
  10. Yelina


    Yelina is my female Veiled/Yemen chameleon
  11. Member Album by firecat998

    Member Album by firecat998

  12. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    we have 2 grey ratsnakes,caine toad,water dragons,iguana's,leopard gecko's and 2 cornsnakes.
  13. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    just like the name
  14. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    aww Yelina is very active too whats your chameleons name
  15. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    aww he's gorgeous!!i love that pic of him asleep he looks as if hes curled up
  16. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    lol cute is that him in your avatar? how old is he
  17. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    Ill take some pictures tommorrow of her vivaruim and post them on here the present moment with her only being small shes getting between 6-10 crickets a day and she gobbles the lot lol.
  18. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    shes in a wooden vivaruim with us living in the u.k we cant have mesh ones as its far too cold for them
  19. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    yes she's our first chameleon but we have kept reptiles for years now
  20. firecat998

    my baby veiled chameleon yelina

    hiya thanks we dont actually know how old she is the place where we got her from didnt know
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