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  1. Jono

    Feedback of the Bradypodion thamnobates keepers in the US

    Here is one with more color. I put them on the same table to take photos and that seemed to get a bit of a color change from the male. Do they become sexual active so young?
  2. Jono

    Feedback of the Bradypodion thamnobates keepers in the US

    Food is the 2nd best medicine! And finally a subject that loves the macro lens :) A male and female i think around 3 or 4 months. The male was about 1/4 bigger and very tame (or oblivious to the fact that I was not a tree.) I could be wrong at the species, have a look and let me know what you...
  3. Jono

    Feedback of the Bradypodion thamnobates keepers in the US

    I had to go to George (Western Cape, South Africa) for a family emergency yesterday, 4,5 hours drive up the coast from Cape Town. Having refined my cham spotting eye since I was last there I went into the garden hoping I would find a few. I managed to find 20+ thamnobates of various sizes...
  4. Jono

    Keeps missing target

    When my veiled was around 5months old this problem appeared overnight. He suddenly started shooting high and to the right without any apparent injury or discomfort. Although I tried to keep him shooting properly by tempting him at distance with his favorite foods he eventually stopped using his...
  5. Jono

    Uroplatus lineatus clutch...

    You will pay for helping the lizard people with their plans for world domination
  6. Jono

    Homemade Cricket Vac

    Yay very cool! I love contraptions. Saw a video with a similar device I guy made to remove a wasp nest, left it running all day at the entrance to the nest and managed to get the whole colony into a box without killing any. :)
  7. Jono

    Moved George between trees without waking him up.

    I got home after sunset last night and George was already fast asleep in his big tree outside. I move him indoors at night because of the sea breeze so this routine has got him quite used to being handled. I gently slide my hand under him and touch each foot to make him lift them, a bit like...
  8. Jono

    New Bradypodion species recently described

    Thanks will definitely have a look for that book. Driving up to Moz in Dec so hoping to come back through one of the quieter boarder posts with something special.
  9. Jono

    Eggbound Dissection:::Photos Inside

    Fascinating! thx for sharing
  10. Jono

    New Bradypodion species recently described

    /starts packing the car for a trip up the coast :D
  11. Jono

    Hamm 2009 - many images -

    I'd have to deal with that expo like I deal with casinos: leave my wallet at home and just take the $$ I was willing to spend :)
  12. Jono

    Anaheim show pick up pics

    Waxy monkey frogs! :eek: Best. Name . Ever. ! Cute lil guy, haven't seen them before.
  13. Jono

    Chat Feature: IRC?

    How about a shoutbox on the front page? Better than IRC for this sort of application as you don't need to learn anything new (IRC can be a bit confusing for first timers). Google shoutbox to see what I mean :)
  14. Jono

    Lens advice for cannon xsi

    I use a Canon 50mm macro for some shots but to be honest unless you going for just the head/leg/eye etc. its overkill and you miss out a lot due to the heavy depth of field ie. blurring everything that is not in your very small focal range. Most of the time you just want a decent midrange lens...
  15. Jono

    Additional animals in chameleon cage

    I think the picture of the Veiled with that massive lizard halfway down his throat pretty much seals the argument :eek:
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