with the recent cold spell we've had here in south florida my crickets got cold, real cold. last couple nights the temps outside were 35-40 degrees and i keep my crickets outside as well. in the morning i thought they all were dead cuz they were laying there motionless, but since it was feeding...
i was keeping my puppated hornworms in the bottom of my male's enclosure, but a couple days ago when i went to check on them both, one of the coccoons was gone!!!! no shell, no moth, nothing, just vanished....thinking my 1 year male veiled turk ate it. what do you think?
if he did eat it...
sorry but no, that was his wife that gave that interview. the pilot was a he, an ex military jet fighter pilot Chesley B. Sullenberger "sully".
edit: "everyone knows women cant fly planes."
if you HAVE to go HID then go for mercury vapor, or else it would be safer, easier,cheaper,and more energy efficient to stick with linear for uvb and incandescent for heat.
if you get the clear plastic containers with the blue flaps on top at walmart they cant climb the walls. well...they cant climb any smooth surface. and as far as feeding off, put a couple silkies on a vine or branch close to basking area, chams have very good eyesight and should notice the worms...
your welcome, took me a little bit to get it down as well. get your food soon and dont forget to keep the silkies room temp and remove any deflated or sick looking worms asap and remove the poop ever other day or so. also, ive gone almost 3 days without feeding my silkies and they survived; but...
relax, you said the silkworms are all tangled in their silk; well first you pick them out one by one and put in another container temporarily. once you do this go to walmart or craft store and get a 12" x4" or so container. also buy plastic canvas(looks like plastic with a bunch of holes in it)...
i would take them to a different room, i wouldnt want to expose my chams to those fumes. no odor doesnt mean no fumes. a fake tree in another room would be a sufficient home for a day.
I MADE a big waterfall system a long time ago with fish pumps and funnels to bring the water under the cage to recirculate, the chams used to take showers under the falling water. but wayyyy to hard to maintain, aim, not to mention a 3 foot waterfall is very annoyingly loud.
hi there, just noticed today at the lab that i have the means of doing my own fecal exams(baddarss microscope with camera). but, before attempting i would like to know what im looking for and at what magnification. i know theres a similar thread around here with pics but i couldnt find it. i...