Here is a direct reading from most your alls favorite website. Again, I'm well aware of how to hydrate a normal chameleon. This is not a normal circumstance. This is a fresh wild caught chameleon, who I got Tuesday. The whole point behind this post to begin with was an emergency hydration for...
And also, a shower can help a Uri.
I have the temp probe right at where the humidity comes through the cage, it's at 85°f which oustalets can tolerate up to 90- even 92ish. I'm well aware on night drop Temps, it's at 63°f at night. You're missing the the point here though. Moisture rich...
Over the years I've realized, instead of putting your cham in the shower for 1hr to hydrate, especially on new wild caught. A cheap brand new Vicks steam humidifier going into the cage works much better, and much more controlled situation.
The last few I had were one of the few CB I've seen since like 2013. This one is WC. I might take up breeding them depending how this next year goes. Always been fascinated with how calm these giants are.
Some of the few I've had.
I actually returned the Panther to petco, was not eating and acting weird in general. When I took him back the veiled they had was Removed from display. Decided I would just go with the species I know the best. Definitely last time buying from a big brand store.
Getting back in the game with my favorite species, Furcifer Oustaleti. All live except the zoo med plant and bend a branch. Only thing left is building a fogger, I've learned that the flex hose on the forgers is not great because the ripples hold water and get stagnet. Pvc pipe drilled works...