Anyone ever heard something like this?
My huge veiled chameleon is in love with my male quadricornis. Both 2 totally different spoecies, both totally different sizes and both MALE. Everytime my veiled sees the other guy he starts impressing him, head bobbing and want to mate as soon as he...
Benny, very nice pictures. If you ever have babies I'm interested :D
I have some space now but also want some female quads and 1.2 montium. Decisions, decisions...
I'll be in Hamm 12th of March with some friends. Hopefully we meet there ;)
I think the hard thing about US is that every state has different rules and makes it hard to keep or get certain species. In Europe it's maybe easier to get certain species and so there's more people that have the ability to breed with special species.
Lol, Blabtica dubia is a very common roach to feed here and it sure doesn't belong to our country. Weird how US has sometimes ridiculous rules and every state has different ones. I once saw on Animal Planet a man in some state having pitbull's. He could either bring them to someone in another...
I was thinking it is gracilior too because of the yellow spot at the side of his head. Very nice! I doubt about it though because his sailfin looks larger than a gracilior's and I couldn't find 6 horns, although number of horns doesn't always indicate something. Stil, very nice animals! Love them!
I've had 1.2 in a cage 60x60x120 cm with a lot of plants and branches and that went very well. If I could I would build a ReptiBreeze kind of cage myself but then a lot bigger and keep a group of 1.3 or 1.4. I noticed a lot of trioceros species are pretty social.
That's the kind of humidifier I'm using as well with my quadricornis. Also worked well for other montane species. Especially for WC animals hydration is very important!
I think they look a bit dehydrated. I suggest you put in way more plants, hand mist them twice a day and maybe even a fogger in there would be good. They should also be kept cool. I don't know about US temperatures but in here we keep them at around normal room temperature with just a tiny spot...
Benny, if they are ready to sell I have interest in a female! Maybe we can arrange something for Hamm. My veiled male is also from a bloodline in which hasn't been bred a lot with, so my man is huge. I would love to be able to get some huge veiled's into The Netherlands. Everyone is desperate...
Lovely pics!
I already noticed the trioceros species enjoy a shower once in a while. Melleri's love bathing as well.
I sometimes take my veiled too when he's shedding, really helps him shed but he just needs to sit on a bar out of the water to just take the fog. He really doesn't like...
Stunning pictures! Friends of mine and my ex-boyfriend went to Madagascar in 2007 and 2009, I would also love to go some day but the don't accept women :(
I was amazed by the picture with the bridge, how almost impossible it looks to cross that!
Very nice pictures, not my personal favorite, but still very nice.
Myself have been working with Br. thamnobates from my ex-boyfriend, but myself my favorite is Br. dracomontanum, if I could ever lay my hands on those...Or Br. pumilum is also nice...Br, transvalaanse... I could go on for hours...