Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - veiled chameleon , I believe it’s a female, and for the age I was not told how old it is. It’s been in my care for almost a month
Handling - I’ve been handling it a bit often due to its eye so every morning I have to clean its eye
Feeding - I am feeding...
Okay so yes I do have a dripper but she barely drinks and I’ve shown other people on her the set up and it’s all good even the supplements and everything the only thing left is the light is to strong so I need to change it which I’m going to do but here is the whole cage
I woke up and I turned on it’s lights and I noticed the left eye like this and I been feeling like she’s dehydrated her pee is mostly orange idk how to get her to drink water she barely does
I don’t got pics of the right eyes cause since I got her the right eye does tend to get like this liquid or something every morning when I wake up to turn the lights on but I’ve been cleaning it with an eye cleaner for pets which was recommended for her and it still happening but after I wipe it...
What could my chameleon not sleeping mean tho cause it’s way past it’s bed time and it hasn’t slept like last night I checked if it was sleeping around midnight and it was looking at me lol
How do I go about that cause I have 30 days until I can’t return my chameleon so before those 30 days run out I want to take it in to get it checked out to make sure it’s healthy but for the poop testing do they get the poop or do I have to get it for them?