Okay, another picture. This one was taken about 1 minute ago. Now her front left arm doesn't look as bad and she's lifting her head a bit more. What do you all think?
Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYONE'S HELP! I really appreciate it! It's so nice that complete strangers with a common love...
Zelda did eat a few crickets this morning (that I saw) but she's still not as active as usual. She's resting her head and basking A LOT. She also seems to be very thirsty even though I mist her and her terrarium every 2 hours (plus a little spritz on her in between if she looks thirsty).
That's what I'm concerned with! :(
I've felt it and straightened it (gently, of course) and it didn't seem to agitate her at all. But if you look at one of my earlier comments with a bunch of pics, you can see that this "extra joint" seems to have developed within about 4 days. I pay VERY close...
Pictures from Today
I just took a bunch of pictures of Zelda from every angle and position I could.
I spread my fingers apart for this picture. She doesn't "stand" like this normally
Normal Stance Top View
Left Side
Left Side
Right Side
Thank you! I have read all those and watched the video (TWICE!) as soon as i realized she didn't have a spur and was a girl! lol. Zelda is sleeping now but I do have a few pictures from April 9th, April 30/May 1, and yesterday. The 2 pictures in my original post were from today right before I...
Thank you all so much for your reassurance and suggestions!
Zelda has since had a big drink and perked up a bit right after that. I think this last shed has taken a big toll on her as she just about doubled in size after. She is currently perched, head resting on her front "nanu-nanus" (as...
It averages out to be about 12-13 crickets per day. I was giving her 5-6 waxworms every day, too, which she loved until I found a rather large poop (dark brown-looked like 3 small balls kind of joined together), my thoughts are she was eating too much (she's REALLY fat) or maybe she was laying...
Hi. I have a 4-5 month old female veiled chameleon. I've had a male veiled that lived 7 years before so I'm not a rookie at this but I never had any issues with him so I'm a little nervous.
First off, I've had her for about 3 months now. I have her in a Large ReptiBreeze screen terrarium...