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  1. lisagr07

    Stanley having breakfast and looking cute....
  2. lisagr07

    The Titan has arrived, 19 years of waiting

    Hey Atlas!!!! Welcome to CF, where we, the gallery ,will watch you shower, bask, eat, poop and grow !!!! We're just a big bunch of oglers that live vicariously through others!!!! :-) Looking good so far!!!!!
  3. lisagr07

    Happy 6th Hatch Day Hendershot, My Sweet Boy

    Hey Hendershot, my favorite blue boy!!!! Sorry I missed this yesterday, I hope you had a great Hatchday outside and some extra goodies! You surely deserve them!!! Wishing you many more days in the sun!!!!!!
  4. lisagr07

    You're so vain...

    I've got 2 here at home and 1 at work... I'm enjoying looking at your guy all day this month!!!
  5. lisagr07

    Today is My Dog Red's 13th. Birthday

    Hey Red!!! You are one amazing boy and I'm also glad to be wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday!!!!!! I know your mamma spoils you rotten,,, I also know that you deserve it!!!! Wishing you many more!!!!!!
  6. lisagr07

    RE: Chameleon Paintings - Hand Painted in Kenya!

    I'm super glad to get mine and I love it! I do hope Anthony is working on some more, I'd be very interested also!!! After hearing of some of them arriving bent I'm glad I ordered the "Mountain Dragon" book also,, the packaging kept mine flat and wrinkle free!!
  7. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you so much Michael! I'll give him a big juicy worm today and tell him it's from you and Zaphod! It's going to be sunny and 70* today so as soon as I get home they're all going out!
  8. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you Jennifer for the compliments and Hday wishes for Stanley! He's been an awesome little green guy! I hope you enjoy yours as much!!!
  9. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you Anne for the Hatchday wish!!! And you're right he is smiling, he's a very happy boy!!
  10. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you Jann,,,, for Stanley!!! It has been an amazing experience raising him from that little green goblin all legs and head!! He has turned out so handsome just like his Daddy Luie!!!! And don't worrie, Stanley got plenty of Hatchday kisses, I told him one was from you!!!
  11. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you soooo much Carol! Stanley has been a pleasure to "have" and I'm thrilled that he really has done so well with me! Being my first, I relied a lot on the forum and help from all of you "seasoned" keepers!! Jann says he looks a lot like his Daddy Luie also, I'm glad of that!!!
  12. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Thank you! You're guy is very nice also, he needs a name though! ;-) No I'm not from your area, I live in Mississippi. We're just having freak snow flurries today.. ❄️
  13. lisagr07

    Heart Award - Carol5208

    Wow, what an honor to be chosen Carol!!! You deserve it for all of the guidance you've offered those of us in need!!!!
  14. lisagr07

    Sage is Two Years Old Today Photos

    Sage you're such a handsome guy!!! Hope you enjoyed your Hatchday worms and some warm Florida sunshine!!!
  15. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    Here he is right out of the shipping box 5 years ago..
  16. lisagr07

    My Stanley is 5 today.....

    My main green guy is 5 years old today!! He has been such a pleasure to raise and I have so enjoyed watching him grow up!! I really hoped that the weather would be nice for some pics... But 40* with flurries doesn't agree with either of us!!!! I love him to pieces he is such a sweetheart!!
  17. lisagr07

    Little Man Tate is Two Years Old Today

    Happyyyyyy Hatchdayyyyy little boy Tate!!!!!
  18. lisagr07

    under all that nasty shed is...WOW!! Trooper

    That's awesome Cheryl!!! Kritters, both furry and scaly, seem to flourish under your care!!!!
  19. lisagr07

    Cage Info

    Ummmmmm,, I see that this posting is almost 7 years old.... Guess it's never too late for feedback.. ;-)
  20. lisagr07

    RE: Chameleon Paintings - Hand Painted in Kenya!

    Pm sent-----> Chris Anderson
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