Thanks Chuck and Kshook i just wish i had a better camera so you could see the color better he has some nice yellow and orange coming in on his body that you can't see and the bars look on the blue side.
Give it time
Let him get settled in leave him alone for a while and let him get to know your presence then try hand feeding him once and a while. Give it time and he will lighten up. I have had some montsers that know are very handable.
I use grape vine in all my set ups and almost all my panthers eat the bark female and male. I use branches off a type of tree at the river i don't know what kind of trees they are but they love the bark on them and they have been eating the bark for a long time with no problems.
Let him settle in
give him time to settle in, just put the crickets in the and leave him alone he will eat when is gets hungry. just dont stress him out by watching him.