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  1. Leon


  2. Leon


  3. L

    What is Best Water Method for Veileds?

    I have had a drip system for some time and I never see my chameleon near it or ever drinking the water from it. Worried due to little urate, I spray using a water bottle twice a day and I still rarely see him drink. Just recently, he is reaching up to catch drips from the spray bottle, so I...
  4. L

    Chameleon Getting Stir Crazy

    What do your free ranges look like? My chameleon wants to crawl everywhere and I have no where safe for him.
  5. L

    Chameleon Getting Stir Crazy

    Thanks for the reply!
  6. L

    Chameleon Getting Stir Crazy

    I have a veiled chameleon who I believe is almost a year old. Lately he has been circling the cage and bolting out whenever I open it. Is this a sign that he is getting too big for the cage or something else?
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