I had an entire clutch of veileds hatch with eye deformities - it was as if the skin around the eyes did not fully "zip up" around the pupil, leaving a part of the eye unprotected by skin. The skin around the eyeball took on a "pacman" shape instead of a donut shape, with the pupil in the...
I had some T.j.jacksonii drop on the 21st. 9, but I lost one (small with yolk sac issues from the start, so it wasn't a surprise). They seem to be doing well, mostly ignoring fruit flies but going nuts for 1/8"+ crickets - seriously... all this money on melanogaster cultures... maybe they'll...
Oral baytril.
If there is not obvious infection, there's not much to worry about. They deal with injuries very well if you prevent infection. I find they do not do well with systemic antibiotics.
bitten off tail, foot...part of their face, burn them to a crisp...no problem. Give...
a veiled. The clamp lamp failed. Failed miserably. The lamp was clamped to a vertical 1x2 that I screwed to the top of his cage for this specific purpose. He liked it very warm, so I used a 100W bulb. The clamp was sideways, clamped to the vertical piece of wood, so that the reflector was a...
My chameleon had severe burns - down to the bone. He lived to be 8 - 6 years after being burned. The skin did not every fully heal. He burned a large area though.
to me, it looks like a burn that's healing. Weird spot for a burn. I've only experienced burns, not fungal infections, so I'm wound-biased.
Regardless of what caused it, it seems to be healing. The orange and white is the healing skin regaining pigmentation. My old veiled burned his...
I want to read the full study. Should be interesting to see this done scientifically. When I switched from using a home made incubator, in NJ(upper 70's to mid 80's - colder winters, I had to use something), to just incubating them in closets at room temp (low to mid 70's), I noticed a...
At a previous residence, my chameleons were kept in an insulated room in the basement. One winter night, someone left the door open to the uninsulated part. In the morning, the temperature was in the mid thirties. I had not even noticed until I checked the low temp on my thermometer. I had...
Spiderpharm. Buy files! Little melleri love flies. They sometimes won't eat unless they have flies.
Spiderpharm sells the pupae, so you don't mess with maggots*!
*there is sometimes amaggot or two that finds its way in there...
Keep them in the refrigerator and they last weeks. Take a few...
We used to set aside super worms to get them to pupate - my veiled loved the pupae.
We called them "twitchers". If you've handled them, you understand.
That is so funny. I've known Carlton online for years and had no idea... Should have checked her profile! Stupid internet.
That said, don't get me wrong. I say I'm a lax environmental steward because I admit that it's kinda neat to know they're established in the wild here. I know it's not...
I'm a lax environmental steward. I love nature, animals and plants. I hate pollution, impervious surfaces, poison dirt and cities. But I'm not worried about most invasives.
The most dangerous invasive species are plants and insects. These completely alter the environment from the ground...
Has anyone had any experience with ReptileUV and their megaray MV bulbs? I've looked into them in the past, but haven't heard much. They have a lower output bulb for chameleons.
I'm considering using a MV bulb from a distance over several cages. Anyone use them?
I've missed quite a bit... Parson's? legal? Madagascar? open again? ?
It's pretty cool. I think one of the mistakes I made in my hobby, for years, was trying to keep it self-sustaining. I tried to breed a lot of veiled to finance the rest of the species. It worked, by the numbers, but...
When I moved to the mountains, my deremensis began to behave differently. The winter was always cool for them in the basement. When I warmed them up in the spring, the males became focused on the feeding fighting and females. When I lived in raleigh, and kept them upstairs, they could care...