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  1. P

    Tips on Feeding plz

    thanks jason, so for gutloading, is there like a thing u buy called gutload that u feed the bugs...? i always thought u gave em fruit or something to gutload. wat bugs r considered treats, wat r like the top 3 bugs ur cham should get rugularly?
  2. P

    when u first get a cham as a baby

    thanks westcoast, have u gotten chams from ne of them b4?
  3. P

    when u first get a cham as a baby

    LOL, can ne1 give me links or places where i can look at the chams of breeders that experienced owners suggest esp. where i can look at pics of what they r selling and contact info?
  4. P

    ne good sites

    w/ pics of vines and branches to put in ur chams cage? also bulbs and lamps, and humidifiers? or recommendations by ne1 who is an experienced cham owner? How does ne of this wood look? or...
  5. P

    I am new to the Chameleon World

    thanks frank, do u perhaps maybe have an accurate estimate or educated guess how big these chams would be w/o the tail?
  6. P

    Does any1 have good close up pics of their cages?

    thanks, so the thermostat will supply electricity to turn on the lamp? and it reads wat the temp is at and from the sounds of it there is a way to lower or higher the temp ur lamp + bulb r producing? and always check with a thermometer under the lamp to see if the thermostat works. i c. do...
  7. P

    Tips on Feeding plz

    where can u get like house flies and grasshoppers, cuz i am not sure where i live is ahh dunno how to say it so will say chemical free lol. wat r the bugs that can be gutloaded? thanks jason
  8. P

    I am new to the Chameleon World

    more help on chosing whether to get a veiled or panther. I want a male as i do not want responsibilities for eggs (at least not yet!!!!!!!!!). R the sizes so similar, i see sites that give lenght in inches w/ the tail, but that doesnt give me a good sight on how big the actual body will be as...
  9. P

    Does any1 have good close up pics of their cages?

    thanks for ur imput frank, wat i meant by spots is do they need a place to hide in case of they dont want to be seen by ppl or get stressed out for a reason and other spots of ne sort like a designated spot where the dripper would be for drinking, i realize mist must be the whole cage. wat...
  10. P

    Just wondering

    thanks brad, has ne1 ever had 1 of those as a pet?
  11. P

    I am new to the Chameleon World

    thanks frank, wat r some things i can get to measure humidity? i am not good w/ %s etc... and do u just use a regular thermometer to measure air temp by the basking spot and other parts of the cage, if so how much should i do this b4 i purhcase a cham to make sure it will be like that wen i...
  12. P

    Does any1 have good close up pics of their cages?

    uggg they deleted the better 1 here and moved the 1 from general discussion. I wanted to kno if a big cage could be bad for a baby cham. Also wat r the best and easiest real plants to use and should u ever use fake plants. Also should ur branches be real wood or be fake branches. Wat...
  13. P

    Just wondering

    Wat type of cham is the one at the top of the site by where it says cham forums. that is 1 sweet/cool looking cham!
  14. P

    I am new to the Chameleon World

    thanks jordan, maybe a jackson would be better for when i am more experienced and have a house of my own. All of that humidity talk with and open cage seems the room will get muggy and my posters in the room i plan to put it will get ruined. So for veileds and panthers, how much less humidity...
  15. P

    Does any1 have good close up pics of their cages?

    thanks jordan. I am confident w/ setting my cage up after i get some tips, i'd rather pick out my own plants etc (cuz when i look in the cage u kno id like to see something i like better than may recieve in a package deal) than a package deal cuz i am confident i can make a happy home. The...
  16. P

    when u first get a cham as a baby

    even from breeders that ppl suggest, should u bring them to a vet for parasites, or have they already been checked b4 sold? I mean, where would captive bred chams pick up parasites? But i may sound stupid asking this, just wanted to kno and i dont kno much about parasites and where they live...
  17. P

    Tips on Feeding plz

    hmmm, i get crickets from petco and mine come in a plastic bag, wat i have done was put how many i was going to put into my tree frogs cage into a zip lock bag and sprinkle some powder and then get em out after shaking but it is so hard to get em out and not have ne extra powder
  18. P

    for those with leopard geckos

    When i first got my leoparad gecko i knew nothing and still dont kno much about him. But wat i have found w/ my own is that he seems to be relaxing with just a few hiding spots and crickets r the only on his diet. Also i have never really gut loading or powdered the crickets and he has lived...
  19. P

    Tips on Feeding plz

    Tips on Feeding plz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I kno crickets r the main diet, i have the question is how is the best way to powder them with calcium powder, i always had trouble with that for my tree frogs, the crickets always seemed...
  20. P

    I am new to the Chameleon World

    thanks frank and every1 who has taking time to help me. so it would be easier to put a cham whose a baby in smaller cage, wat demensions does ne1 suggest? also, yes i do need experience, i have heard of thermometer things and humidity measures for cages, where can i find them and how do they...
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