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  1. Tiger Rye

    Arlo settling in

    Agreed! A good problem indeed. --- I am here:,-83.357530
  2. Tiger Rye

    an awesome video

    AGREED! --- I am here:,-83.356907
  3. Tiger Rye

    an awesome video

    Great video!!! Thanks for sharing. --- I am here:,-83.356847
  4. Tiger Rye

    All veiled

    Yum Yum. Listen to that CRUNCH! Always love watching these guys feast. Great vid. --- I am here:,-83.357289
  5. Tiger Rye

    Photos From Repticon Orlando 12/17/11

    Great pics. Thanks for sharing. Wish I could have been there. --- I am here:,-83.356849
  6. Tiger Rye

    Rhampholeon Spectrum

    I'm no expert but I'd say it looks good. --- I am here:,-83.357206
  7. Tiger Rye

    "SNOW MAN" A True Ambanja

    Good looking Cham for sure!!! Thanks for the pics. --- I am here:,-83.357176
  8. Tiger Rye

    Went to petco today...

    I can't stand some of those places. Petsmart is the same way at times. These places should just stick to selling anoles and fire belly toads. --- I am here:,-83.357036
  9. Tiger Rye


    Wow! Absolutely amazing. Thanks for the great pics. --- I am here:,-83.356887
  10. Tiger Rye

    New Cham room is comin on:-0

    That is REALLY COOL!!! I like the nice touch of painting a sky on the ceiling. That room is amazing. I 2 can't wait to see the room finished. --- I am here:,-94.672911
  11. Tiger Rye

    distilled vs bottled

    Good read. I really in joyed that article. I plan on using RO water myself. Does anyone use RO water for there Chams successfully?
  12. Tiger Rye

    Red Bar and Blue Bar Clutch Mate Buddies

    Wow, great photo. I did not know that. Thanks! --- I am here:,-94.672940
  13. Tiger Rye

    Messy eater!!

    Wow! Great idea. Thanks for the video. --- I am here:,-91.866405
  14. Tiger Rye

    vivarium mesh or glass??

    So confusing. I think I'm gonna build my own screen hybrid. --- I am here:,-87.363812
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