Hi All,
For the purpose of vacations/emergencies, I was brainstorming a new idea for an automatic bsfl dispenser, something that had a timed rotating paddle mechanism that dropped larvae out of a compartment, but....as I was searching for components for a DIY kinda thing I stumbled upon this...
Hi All! I am obsessing over all the prep for my new Cham coming in a few weeks. I think I’ve settled on everything at this point:
I am contemplating adding a 2nd feeder cup somewhere, since he will be fairly small when he arrives and I want to make sure it’s not too hard for him to find his...
Yeah through that small hole.
Here is the basking:
And here is another that is just loosely hung with a zip tie so I can move later:
some of the lower ones I just have sitting on the dragon ledges, so they are mobile as I’m testing for temp/humidity pockets.
Here are some graph provided in the app:
don’t mind some of the fluctuations, I’ve been really active in the enclosure the past few days and tweaking things, but you can see where the fogger kicks on at night and such. All in all, a lot of good info to track temp and humidity.
Yup, these little guys
I have 4 of these, basically 2 in the upper zones and 2 in lower zones. Since they don’t have a direct read out and for redundancy I just attached a few cheaper ones in the vicinity. They do require an initial cost to start of a hub and each sensor is around 50$ on amazon.
So, after giving some time and just focusing on some enclosure improvements (added @Beman s automatic Dripper system, RIP the big Dripper) I have decided to get another Panther Cham. I went with Kammerflage Kreations - an Ambanja male, coming in February. I am continuing to run the enclosure at...
If I remember right the timer will retain settings for something like 24 hrs on a loss of power. I forget where I saw that. How long was the screen blank?
Yeah, the one Beman linked is not available, but here is the same pump but black:
Or they have the “upgraded newer model:
I purchased the upgraded newer...
I think the risk with the remote setup staying on and not turning off would be if WiFi is active, the on cycle starts, likely for a couple minutes. If during that couple minutes the WiFi goes out and the off signal doesn’t occur, then there is a fear that it will just stay on?
I went ahead and bypassed the timer on the mistking with the pump plugged into the Kasa power strip I linked above. It definitely works, allowing timer setup through the kasa app, as well as remote operation from anywhere.
Oh hell yeah! I am deciding to perform a few upgrades to my enclosure while it’s empty and went ahead and followed your instructions @Beman. This worked like a charm and I connected the pump to my remote enabled power strip, so I can put it on a timer as well as operate from work! Oh and I am...
Yeah, I asked the vet to send me the images from the ultrasound and that she can perform the necropsy.
I don’t mean to pull at everyone’s heart strings too much, but I want to give a small backstory to why this feels so hard right now. Last year my wife and I lost our baby. I was encouraged to...
I have hard news. I had a work conference today in the city, so was checking on him via video. When I saw him curled up on the cage floor I rushed to get him and we just came out of the emergency vet. They did what the vet called an ultrasound and found that he had what they suspect to be cancer...