Thanks! The mister going off every hour seems to be keeping them cool..the higher temp is outside the cage the lower is inside near his resting branc.
How about on the cold side? When do you pull them in?
I moved my guys outside for the fall. I'm starting to second guess my decision.
We are supposed to be high in the lower 90's and lows in the lower 60's with a 57 sunday.
What are your thoughts on highs-low tolerance for Parsonii?
This morning....
Last night.....
It all depends on thermo regulation and food.
In a larger cage its not easy for a little guy to move in and out of the different temperature ranges that he needs. Its also more difficult for him to eat all of the crickets that you feed him. Its the crickets that don't get eaten that cause a risk.
I personlly got out of ambilobes when I saw a guy post that he had 500 ambilobe eggs in his incubator and 3 gravid females. To me that's not cool. Just because you have a good looking male doesn't mean that you need to flood the market with your bloodline.
I believe that the "Ambilobe craze"...
Marge layed 11 small eggs yesterday. She was about 23 grams before laying. She was 17 grams after. She is recovering with heavily dusted roaches and crickets...