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  1. sanitysake

    How much super worms do I feed?

    I have a male panther that's 1 yr old, I just started incorporating super worms into his diet and I am planning on giving him 2-4 a week, not more than one a day. His main diet now is large crickets (4-5 a day, sometimes skip in between) with the occasional dubia (he does not seem to like them)...
  2. sanitysake

    Do you trust your chameleon to thermoregulate?

    Me too! My cage is a Zilla 30Hx30Lx18W and I have noticed that my panther does not venture down to the lower 1/3 of his cage and usually stays in the upper half. I have lots of live plants and many bendable branches set up everywhere, and specifically so there are at least four different levels...
  3. sanitysake

    Reassurance needed xx

    Hi! Have you put him in his setup? Make sure he has some cover/leaves/branches/tree and leave him alone in a place that doesn't have too much traffic to feel things out for a while.
  4. sanitysake

    Other Reptile Species?

    I have a western rat snake! :D @IAmCarl, is that a gargoyle gecko? the first pic. or is it also a Uroplatus fimbriatus?
  5. rawr


  6. sanitysake

    The reason why you should never use substrate.

    Currently I don't have substrate (one time I used artificial moss and that molded up - poor choice, i feel bad about it but I'm glad i cleaned it out). But now I've really been considering eco earth or exo terra plantation soil for the bottom of my Zilla screen cage (it's 30x30x18) since water...
  7. sanitysake

    Escapee Crickets and other questions

    No probs, yeah they're really handy and you kind of just forget they're there after a while so they don't get in the way at all. Good luck!
  8. sanitysake

    Escapee Crickets and other questions

    sticky trap suggestion Hey, if you go the route of sticky traps, I currently use this one: Victor M256 Poison-Free Insect Magnet Traps, 12-Pack and it's worked quite well, I recommend it especially if you don't have a lot of room for setting up traps. These are small and sublte, are designed to...
  9. sanitysake

    Chameleon Poop 101

    My chameleon's poop :D What a helpful thread! My panther chameleon, skittles, pooped today (Thursday), the last time I think he did was on Sunday. I uploaded a pic for you guys to check out. Ive been somewhat concerned about how well he is being hydrated, I mist heavily twice a day and...
  10. sanitysake

    How quickly should I expect my panther chameleon to eat?

    Thanks jannb, that's awesome. I'm going to look into that it seems like a great option!
  11. sanitysake

    White Bleeding Heart (clerodendrum thomsoniae) safe for panther chameleon?

    Thanks, yeah, I looked at them and the plant is not on the list. I wrote an E-mail to flchams to see what they thought. I will post again letting you know what they say if they reply....
  12. sanitysake

    White Bleeding Heart (clerodendrum thomsoniae) safe for panther chameleon?

    So, guys, here's what I found out: The bleeding heart vine (Clerodendrum) is fine, not toxic. However, the bleeding heart (Dicentra species) is mildly toxic. They share extremely similar common names, but they're not actually related. The one I have (the first one), I think is safe. Could...
  13. sanitysake

    White Bleeding Heart (clerodendrum thomsoniae) safe for panther chameleon?

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone knows if the White Bleeding Heart (clerodendrum thomsoniae) is safe to put in with my chameleon? I looked its toxicity up online and some results suggest that it may be harmful/irritant to humans and pets, but I am not entirely sure if it applies to chameleons...
  14. sanitysake

    How quickly should I expect my panther chameleon to eat?

    Wow, thank you for the responses! I'll keep an eye on his food consumption every day and try to change up the insects he gets. I think it might be that he was really hungry when i brought him home. i'm feeding him decent sized i guess just eating two-ish a day isn't too less.
  15. sanitysake

    How quickly should I expect my panther chameleon to eat?

    Hello everyone, I'm a first time chameleon owner and I have a question about feeding... So, about five days ago I brought home a captive bred sub/adult male panther chameleon (8-10mo old), he's settled in fine and eats. I feed him dubia roaches every morning, I set them down in his cage near...
  16. I got him from Bluespot Chameleons at the Saint Louis Reptile Show

    I got him from Bluespot Chameleons at the Saint Louis Reptile Show

  17. He is a little adventurer :)

    He is a little adventurer :)

  18. Skittles


    My male ambilobe panther chameleon!
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