Just curious. Do many Cham species start off the incubation cycle during a colder time? I mean it kind of makes sense, they would the hatch during the warmer months. But maybe this is a retained clutch.
Thanks Nick. I really appreciate the response. Hopefully people can chime in. I have the temp in the incubator currently sitting at 70 to be safe as it looks like this time of year in the eastern lowlands the average temp is about 66 degrees. As for age, he is not that small, he is about the...
Well the female that came in was pretty much dead. She laid her eggs in the box and I think her little heart gave out. Not a good day. The male on the other hand is absolutely beautiful and very healthy looking. Side note, the female did lay 12 eggs. Hopefully some of the people with...
They arrive tomorrow morning. I am getting them from Tommy Munoz. He has had them a while and they look insanely great. As far as the enclosure, I have decided to skip putting them outdoors. Too many unknown variables. I have some smaller reptibreeze enclosures I can use to put them outside for...
Thank you Jeremy. I appreciate the info. I have already have the wintering period figured out, I have done some research on the eastern lowland rain forests that these guys are from and it looks like the drier winter months are from about May to September, with the wetter, warmer season being...
Does anyone know of any research done on this species? Know of any people that have kept them? Successful breeding anywhere in the world? I will be receiving a young pair next week and it may be a fools errand but I am willing to give it a shot. I just need all the information I can get. I...
Hey guys and help on this would be super helpful. I have had chameleons off an on for the last 10 years but they have been mainly montane chameleons. I have been recently getting into panthers and I have a 6-7 MO Nosy Mitsio female that is looking suspiciously gravid based on the pictures I...
He was hatched almost 6 months ago by Ed and Liddy Kammer. He a nosy be Panther and I cannot wait to see how his color progresses. Let me know what you all think.
It's all going to depend on the chameleons. I have some enclosures about that far apart and if I have my panthers in there they flare and fire up all day. I had to switch them out with some Montium so they were not trying to intimidate each other all day. But like I said its all up to how your...
I have used Avocado trees in planters in my outdoor panther enclosures for about two years and they love it. No issues as of yet and I do not expect any. The branches are just to nice to pass up. :)