She tried once or twice to "use" her tongue, so I'm thinking she must've been fed all her food one by one or something..!? After the 3rd bug/worm she just stuck her tongue out but didn't even shoot it, I touched the worm to her tongue and she just tried to bite at it as if that was more...
I just adopted a 2 year old female Veiled. She looks healthy and well cared for. Came with a large custom made enclosure and she seems to be adjusting quite well already!! (Yay!)
The only concern I have is today when I went to feed her, her tongue doesn't work very well It was as if she just...
Great! Thank you! I was thinking of doing this just in case!
One more question.. Does it REALLY matter about the type of UVB bulb?? I feel like a bad "reptile mom" asking, bcuz I'm sure the spendier the better, but I have 2 Sulcata tortoises, 1 Russian tortoise, 1 veiled Chameleon and a...
Ok, I'm worried about this whole "egg impaction" issue... That's why I ended up getting a male originally. But I've been wanting to breed him bcuz he's Obviously ready for a mate, as he tries to hump my arm any time I take him out of his enclosure. And this adoption came up and I feel as though...
A lady from work asked me today about adopting her bcuz it was her mom's and she just passed away, so she needs to find good home and she thought of me bcuz I already have "lizards"... No pictures. I'm told she has been well taken care of..!?
I'm adopting a 2 yr old female veiled chameleon in 2 days.. need some advice. She comes with everything from her enclosure to extra crickets and supplements. I own a 2 yr old male veiled and just curious if anyone has advice about owning a female veiled chameleon. I'm aware of the egg-binding...
@lynnette you should look at the Health Clinic section of this forum to explain your situation with that poor little guy and someone can give you some ideas and maybe guide you in the right direction. Hope this helps! Good luck! Welcome to the forum! :)