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  1. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    Same as always. We also tried a mirror. She just sat there and looked at herself. No color change. I moved it next to her and she stayed calm and didn't care. ATM, she taking water from me by hand using a dropper. Usually mirrors excite my male a lot. He enjoys trying to climb on...
  2. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    Ok...that was not fun. I tried to remove her from her cage. Sometimes she will come out, but only if she wants to. Today was not one of those days. She warned me to back off so I did. I felt her belly a bit, she just feels fat to me. So...plan B. I removed Albert from his cage. He doesn't bite...
  3. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    I do have a laying container. She was wandering around her cage a lot at about six months or so. So we bought a large plastic tub and filled it with soil and playsand mixture. I usually just remove the bottom of the cage and sit it ontop. She never went near the dirt though. I'm gonna sit...
  4. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    Little older then a year. Meaning I've had her for a year. Her cage is 16 x 16 x 30. I thought gravid veileds looked....different. Darker with spots?
  5. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    Seriously? I'm feeding her four now. Sometimes three other days maybe five. Why is she so fat?? I can't understand it. They aren't extremely large crickets either. She does sit around a lot. I see my male climbing up and down his cage all day long. While she spends a lotta time sitting around.
  6. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    2 crickets a day good?? That just seems like not a lot.
  7. T

    Gravid? Obviously a fatty.

    This is Lilly. I've had her for a year now. Is she gravid? What exactly does a gravid Cham look like? I thought they would be a dark color with spots?? She's obviously overweight. I've been cutting back her crickets, giving her three to four a day. My problem is I'm not sure how much is...
  8. T

    Check out my new enclosure!!

    How come the first thing I notice is the Guitar Hero 2 PS2 guitar?
  9. T

    Lost tonails

    I could be wrong...but I don't think they do. My veiled is over a year now and he's missing one nail. I'm not sure how or when he lost it. Its been missing since he was about six months old or so. He also climbs on the screen of his cage a lot though, and other then that one missing nail...
  10. T

    Nasty fall

    UPDATE (I really should have done so sooner): Toby = A-OK-PIGGIE Showing off a bit.
  11. T

    Nasty fall

    Toby is killing my stress level. Now he's on this phase where he won't eat. Its been two days going on three. Other then that he appears fine. Active, alert, nice color...wanting out.... I hate taking him back and forth to the vet. I think that stresses him beyond belief. Lucky for me he...
  12. T

    Nasty fall

    We went back to the vet's this afternoon for a check up. Good news....he's fine. He was eating the stray crickets in his cage from this morning. Me = relieved.
  13. T

    Nasty fall

    This may or may not be a big deal, but when Toby sleeps he always curls his tail up. Since the fall his tail has been straight while sleeping. His tail seems fine. He used it often today while in and out of his cage. Also the mouth thing has seemed to have gone away tonight. He's...
  14. T

    Nasty fall

    Update on Toby: He ate three crickets this afternoon. Funny cause I was going out to buy him some wax worms as a treat and somemore crickets. So that's good news. I'll have to see if he eats normally in the morning. I did break down and misted him. He sat there and was calm through the whole...
  15. T

    Nasty fall

    No, no x-ray yet. I will call the vet once my fiancee gets off work and I'll recommend your suggestions to the vet and see what he says. To be honest I really wanted him to take x-rays last night. Hopefully, he will today to make sure everything is on the up and up. I'd rather be safe then...
  16. T

    seems unhappy?

    I could be wrong, but don't chameleons turn darker when absorbing light? Also, don't veils usually go through a "brown" stage?
  17. T

    Nasty fall

    Hello everyone. I've only posted here very few times. Mostly I will lurk and read what's going on in the lives of others and their chameleons, rarely every posting. Last night, my veiled chameleon Toby decided he could fly. Literally. I've had him for over a year now. I'm not sure his age when...
  18. T

    Social Chameleon?

    My 1 year old veiled, Toby, is extremely social. He will wait by the cage door to be let out in the afternoon. As soon as the door opens, he's practically leaping out. I have a short youtube video of him. Please ignore the fact my boyfriend thought it would be humorous to burp while I was...
  19. T

    Help with my veiled.

    Before I start here is a history of Toby, my veiled chameleon. I've had Toby for about six months. He was maybe a month when I got him. Perhaps a little older. He was bought from a pet store. Also, he was taken to the vet a few days after I got him, and was given medicine in case of internal...
  20. Senegal


    This is Cammy, my female senegal who passed away earlier this year.
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