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  1. B

    I think we brought her back to life...maybe!

    We just want to thank everyone for their help. We think our Charlie just passed in my husband's hands. Thank you all.... :(
  2. B

    I think we brought her back to life...maybe!

    My husband just wants a cut and dry answer....he doesn't want her to suffer. We will call the vet in the morning to see if there is anything that can be done. We don't want to go to sleep, fearing the worst. This is dreadfully sad, and we are helpless. This is our first chameleon together and...
  3. B

    I think we brought her back to life...maybe!

    yes, its the curly light. she did seem to perk up a bit when laying in the light for a bit! I am actually glad she is on her tummy, perched like , but still on the floor. she kind of reminds me of a puppy resting.
  4. B

    I think we brought her back to life...maybe!

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - 3 mo old? Handling - every other day, maybe (she likes to sit on my husbands head, hes bald) Feeding - gutloaded crickets Supplements -we dust the crickets with the vitamins from exotic pet shop, we were actually using too much and it came out of her nose...
  5. B

    I think we brought her back to life...maybe!

    Charlie is probably a 3 month old veil. Two days ago she seemed weak and would not eat, only drink water. We called the vet and he said bring her in. He said she was impacted and it was possibly from the super worms or she just got a bad cricket, so he probed her, she went poo and he said she...
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