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  1. M

    Lump under arm?

    I keep getting an invalid URL, I can email them to u if u want? New to owning an iPhone problem is...iretarded lol
  2. M

    Lump under arm?

    Lump under arm? Pic cid:3C5E9556-1203-4D0F-8F9C-45FD2BABCD22/photo.JPG
  3. M

    Lump under arm?

    I have a female nosy be about 10 mos old eats well, recently I notices lumps on both sides in the arm pit of her front legs they don't seem to bother her them seem soft can they just be fat deposits? Or do I need to seek vet attention? Any ideas? O have pics but having trouble uploading them if...
  4. M

    She just laid eggs help!!!

    Yes she was digging when I left for work she was digging then when I got home that nite I found the eggs
  5. M

    She just laid eggs help!!!

    She looks fine not like when she did before laying, eating well alert can't see lumps any more
  6. M

    She just laid eggs help!!!

    She is a little over a year old the egg laying bin is 2 by 2 by 12 in deep she lauded another egg yesterday eating and drinking fine she had the dark spot on her prior to laying now she's back to her normal colors is this normal to just lay a total of 4 eggs?
  7. M

    She just laid eggs help!!!

    I have a young vailed she just laid 3 eggs, seems like an unusually low amount for a clutch that was 2 days ago and has not returned to the box to deposit more any ideas?
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