Oh ok...try flushing the eye out. Put him on his tree, or a vine in the shower, turn the shower on warm (not too hot) and turn the shower head to the wall and let the water bounce off the wall and go on the tree. The steam from the shower will feel good. My cham loves showers and drinks a bunch...
My panther is also very friendly, but I've never kept him out at bed time to find out if he would fall asleep on me. I didn't think you were supposed to wake them up once they are sleeping.
I agree with Carol, the red night lights keep the chams awake. They need complete darkness to sleep. That could be why he has his eyes closed during the day.
I don't have a mist king, but I do have a monsoon. I would recommend having a test day. Mist in the morning, wait until the cage completely dries and see how long it takes. It's hard to give exact times since I don't know how long it takes to fully mist your cage and also for it to dry up. I...
I have my panther's lights set as close to sunrise and sunset as I can get. They come on around 8 and turn off at 8.
I would recommend either covering his cage at night or moving him to a place where there aren't any lights while he's sleeping. We had mine down in the living room and would...
From nose to base my panther is 7 inches (couldn't get him to sit still to measure from nose to tail) he will be 2 in November, so I'm pretty sure he's full grown. Last time we weighed him, he was close to 200 grams. I would recommend a 2x2x4 foot cage for a full grown male.
I can't touch the feeders...that's my boyfriends job, but I've found ways around actually touching them...my cricket keeper has 2 black tubes and I wait till there's a cricket in it and shake it into the cage (yes it's as graceful as it sounds) The things we do for our chameleons :)
Some people do use them. I have a 2x2x4 foot cage pushed up against 2 walls. I usually get my humidity up to 65 after misting and let it drop to about 40 (or until the cage is dry) before misting again. Live plants help with humidity too.
My panther does the same thing. Anytime I go up to his cage, he wants to come out. I've done everything I can to make his cage perfect, and he's very content when he's in there, he just loves exploring :)
Mine does it too and I've heard other people say their panthers do it as well. I know it has to do with their senses. Not sure if it's taste, or them feeling if the branch is safe.