I have been going through threads trying to see ppls setups...but is there a certain thread that has a bunch of pics with examples of what a setup should actually look like that is sufficient? Thanks a bunch!
aww...too cute! Im glad to hear so many great things about them...I missed liddy's return phone call:( but will be calling her tomorrow:) This forum has been so helpful in learning more info, thanks everyone for the replys!
thanks for the tip....my thing is just that i want to make sure that i get a cham that is in the best pos. health and is being bread for the right reasons and not just to make money. I dont mind spending money on something if i know what im getting is of good quality and the breeder has a good...
Has anyone purchased a cham package from Kammerflage Kreations?? I have been looking for breeders and Im leaning towards them...i was just wondering if anyone has had a neg. experience with them? Thanks!
wow...well i just checked the forum to see if i had a reply...haha i didnt expect this I must admit:) At least ppl are passionate about chams:) As for the bearded dragon, my fiance and I have one of those(as well as a RES) Someone from another forum said i needed to keep them apart b/c the BD...
I have been wanting a cham for years and am on the verge of getting one and doing my research. Can you suggest a care sheet that covers pretty much everything i'd need to know? I'll be getting a panther. Thanks in advance:)