Hey @Beman thank you so much for your help with everything! Unfortunately, I had to give up Yoshi as the bedroom that I was keeping her in just wasn’t good enough for her :/ I gave her to someone with all her equipment that lives about 10 minutes away from me so I’ve been just guiding her along...
Does anyone here keep their chameleons outside? I’m based in Miami, FL & was wondering how long should I run my dripper for? Would 10-15 minutes be okay or would it be more ideal to run it for about 30 minutes - 1 hour on hot days?
Also, it’s pretty humid here as it is, how would I adjust my...
Hi Beman, how low can the ambient go in the enclosure? I bought a new portable AC and I noticed that it has a auto setting that cannot be removed & once the set temp is reached it blows less and starts raising the humidity & it doesn’t seem that the thermostat for it is working correctly..it...
Hi again! :) I may hold onto this one just a bit longer and keep monitoring Yoshi
I think what’s happening is that I’m not setting the AC low enough to where it can kick back on sooner instead what it’s doing is it won’t kick back on until it’s about 78 degrees in my bedroom which is pretty...
Hi everyone,
Does anyone use a portable AC for their chameleon? If so what ambient temperatures do you keep for your veiled & does your portable AC have an auto feature where it turns off once the set temp is reached?
I purchased a 8,000 BTU and right now the lowest I have my ambient is at...
Thanks Beman! ☺️ also, happen to know why she would have white around her mouth? Im lightly dusting feeders, so it’s not from that.. :/ this was a old pic from last week, she’s under her uvb right now but I wanted to give her some space today lol (the white looks exactly like this)
Its a super old one that I just picked up off of OfferUp, so I wasn’t surprised that it was causing the humidity to rise 🤦🏻♀️
Also, it is okay that I have a piece of cardboard blocking on the side where the air is blowing just for now? I’m working on getting a wall mount desk to make more room...
Thanks Beman! ☺️ I have a piece of cardboard blocking the side of the portable AC as her enclosure is right next to it, but not directly blowing at her.
I have a 75 on hand also, but I’m going to wait to switch until my new portable AC comes in that way I’m not switching back and forth between...
@Beman @MissSkittles @kinyonga
Good Morning!
Do any of you by chance have a thermostat connected to your basking light? I have a thermostat 600w exo terra with pulse, promotional, and dimming control connected to a 50 w and I noticed that it starts flickering once it reaches 80 degrees for...
I’m sorry unfortunately I was never told & I have no clue 😭, here’s a picture of the vitamin A injections
I just wanted to make sure 100% is it okay to stop injected the vitamin A into feeders and stick to only injecting the calcium every 7 days, dusting with a phosphorus free calcium w/o D3 &...
Right now I’m just hand misting but just for a short period I would say about 30 seconds due to this portable ac putting out so much humidity 🤦🏻♀️ & It’s definitely hard for me to manage during the day… I have it set on a timer to turn off at 6 am two hours prior to lights on that way I can run...
Hiii! Vet prescribed injections ( vitamin A & Calcium), I discontinued the vitamin A as the vet told me to stop using the multivitamin with D3..didn’t really make sense to me
1. I am making sure to gutload all my feeders
2. Dusting with phosphorous free calcium without D3 every feeding and...
Thank you so so much! Someone told me in a Facebook group to get a 10.0, but honestly I didn’t want to take the chance since I don’t have a solar meter & im aware it can do internal damage if she gets too much :/
Currently I’m dusting with a phosphorous free calcium with no D3...
Hi everyone! I just have a quick question! I have a 5.0 HO Reptisun bulb, however I do have it at the incorrect distance & will correct the distance tomorrow to 8-9 inches from the branch.
My veiled female was diagnosed with MBD. Should I worry about just correcting the distance OR would it be...