@Beman @MzLaurie11 @kinyonga
Hi everyone! I spoke to Neptunethechameleon and she said that the basking light should be ok but not to have it on the entire day as my house temps are 77 F
Misting: I’m just going to mist only in the evening when lights are out also!
My supplements are also...
I think I know what’s wrong 😔 I didn’t know that repashy already has calcium & vitamin A and I was also dosing her with calcium without D3 and dosed her a multivitamin with Vitamin A.. I noticed that she has something white building up around her nostrils and I honestly thought it was from her...
I’ve taken her to the vet twice for a checkup and a follow up also! I pushed for a fecal test & it came out negative, but she still has this puffy eye issue going on and she’s on antibiotics as well. I’m think it’s the combo of the high temps/ high humidity..
Got it! I just did a shorter misting session now instead to keep it low and I’ll just see how she does tomorrow! Would you recommend that I don’t turn her basking light on at all since temps in my house sit around 77-80?
I have the basking light off completely right now and the temp fluctuates between 77-78 sometimes even gets up to 80 once the air conditioning shuts off & humidity right now is reading between 45-48
she’s just acting so odd idk or maybe I’m just being paranoid..
She is laying flat, tail curled, eye looks a bit sunken in ish, she will have her mouth open & close it once I get close, & her eye will close from time to time
I have the basking temp 78-80, but I shut it off occasionally in the afternoon because then the rest of the enclosure starts to heat up
Ambient temps get to 78-79 at most also, but I’m still waiting on ice packs to control it a lot better
At the moment, she just lays right under the UVB...
Thank you! 🥰 So when we first got her, she had two bulges in her eyes & it was secreting something yellow, but the discharge has stopped completely. They still just look a bit swollen & I have no idea why either..
Vet prescribed the ciprofloxacin as she said it would help with all her symptoms...
I’m not entirely sure, but I can definitely look into it! If anything, I can order it online
Also, I think Yoshi has RI 😞 she has her tail completely curled, keeps gaping, pointing her nose up in the air, closes her eyes from time to time, & is acting a bit lethargic..
She’s on Ciprofloxacin...
I have two plants sitting on the ground, but now that I’m thinking about it, I may need to remove them honestly and just add more coverage above..it’s a hassle moving around them..
Does your guy bask under his uvb? Ever since I moved Yoshi into a bigger enclosure she doesn’t use her basking...
Hiii! I’m I’m Miami, FL and temp here currently is 84. I wish I had the option to keep her outside or on a porch, but unfortunately this isn’t an option for me :/.. I have her in my bedroom and coverage on two sides with her facing a wall because I needed to get her out of a high traffic area...
Thank you to you both! This honestly helps me tremendously!
I haven’t misted this morning today as I’m waiting for a drop and unfortunately I don’t have a dehumidifier 😭, but need to get one for sure! I’ve been running my ceiling fan on low, left the enclosure open a bit, and turned the AC on...
Ah your boy looks very nice!! 😍 & Ty also that makes me feel a lot better! I think I’ve just been on edge with her since the beginning because I got her from Petco, so wasn’t in the best condition at first
Also, if you don’t mind me asking, where are you based in? I’m in FL and I’m having a...
One more sorry! What if she’s slanting sideways and turning a bit pale/yellow from time to time? I don’t have a picture now, but she didn’t start doing that until I added more plants/branches in
@Beman thanks! 😊 also, is it normal for her to kinda just be in shock after all the changes? Basically just sitting on that same plant & looking around?