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  1. MadisonSpits


    She won't eat. It's been about a month. Keep finding her at the bottom of the cage. She has a laying bin in there
  2. MadisonSpits

    Eyes shut

    She just shedded a few days ago
  3. MadisonSpits

    Eyes shut

    been finding my chameleon with her eyes either staying squinted or she will have them shut during the day. Should I be worried?
  4. MadisonSpits

    Chameleon sleeping

    just found my Cham sleeping the day. Should I be concerned?
  5. MadisonSpits


    i was told by petsmart I got a male. Later to find out I got a female! She is about 4 months old now. Have had her for a month and she's been looking a little bloated lately. Is this normal? Is she ready to lay eggs? How will I know. Thank
  6. MadisonSpits


    What should the temperate be??
  7. MadisonSpits


    Do I shower her in room temp water or warm water??
  8. MadisonSpits


  9. MadisonSpits


    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon. Female. Only had about 6 days. She is 3 months old. Handling - When I spray the cage sometimes she will crawl out to me and up my arm and want to be out or she will just stay in the back. She lets me know when she wants to be out but it's...
  10. MadisonSpits


    I posted a picture of my sweet Emeral and everyone is saying she looks dehydrated. She has a dripper, I spray her and her cage multiple times a day. I don't know what else to do :( I never see her drink. First picture is one I just took this morning. Other ones are from previous days.
  11. MadisonSpits

    My funny chameleon

    Here is a picture I just took of her.
  12. MadisonSpits

    My funny chameleon

    I spray her and mist her cage and have a dripper. I never see her drink. I don't know what else to do :(
  13. MadisonSpits

    My funny chameleon

    I have a dripper and spray her cage and her multiple times a day. I never see her drink :( I don't know what else to do
  14. MadisonSpits


    Didn't mean to "jack" New to the sit and didn't know how to start my own thread. Thanks though
  15. MadisonSpits

    My funny chameleon

    Sweet Emeral!
  16. MadisonSpits

    New chameleon

    Does she turn brown in the morning right when the lights turn on to absorb more heat?? Or is this a gray color and she's sick?
  17. MadisonSpits

    New chameleon

    When it was in the 80 degrees she only stayed right under the light and didn't move at all. She would reach up to the top and try to get my heat.
  18. MadisonSpits

    New chameleon

    What soil did you use to plant the pothos?
  19. MadisonSpits

    New chameleon

    Can she eat hornworms at 3 months??
  20. MadisonSpits

    New chameleon

    Hung this on my wall for her and begs to get out of her cage everytime I mist to climb!!
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