@kinyonga It's not on the underside of his feet. He did shed but that was at least 3 weeks or more ago and I made sure all the shed was gone then. I'm not sure if he would be shedding again so soon? I am going to remove the moss vines tonight when I get home. I'm just wondering if there's...
@GrannyK @MissSkittles Thank you for your help! I hope I can get his feet figured out. I unfortunately have no extra money right now for a vet 😔. Do you know of anyone on here who might have an idea?
I have a and one year old panther chameleon. He has been healthy all his life, but I just noticed something on his feet. I did get two new types of branches recently. One is made with all natural moss. The other is a fake branch that doesn’t absorb any moisture. I’m not sure if he has a foot...
Hello! This is my first time posting and thought you are all so knowledgeable I’d see if there’s a solution for my issue.
I have an ambilobe male panther named Louie. He’s a little over a year and I’ve had him since he was 3 months old. Usually he has no issues with shedding but for about the...