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  1. Slug

    An idea for my little man (Pics)

    I don't take my tattoos too seriously. All the pumpkins except the 2009 one were spur of the moment picks off a special Halloween flash sheet (each uniquely drawn each year). 2009's is the logo of a pumpkin carving site I use called Zombie Pumpkins. I am featured under their Minions page. I...
  2. Slug

    An idea for my little man (Pics)

    I figured I should include some pics... 1. 2008 2. 2009 3. 2010 4. 2011 5. 2008 - Costume: Zombie, Artist: Death (aka Jimmy Kuder III) I have more pics from other years, including me as a serial killer and Jimmy as a classy werewolf, then me as Nosferatu and Jimmy as Rick Grimes...
  3. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    Since I am off at 10:00 am tomorrow, I am going to be dedicating a huge chunk of my day to tending to cham needs. This will include showering as you said, and hopefully seeing it eat. I took the suggestions from earlier and there is currently a large food container (it is clear...
  4. Slug

    An idea for my little man (Pics)

    Totally unrelated...I love pumpkins. I actually have 4 currently tattoed around my left leg, getting a 5th on Halloween. Each year, I get another Jack-O-Lantern tattooed while in full costume and my tattoo artist is as well. The newest design is a Darth Vader Jack-O-Lantern...I am a nerd, btw...
  5. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    So I see people using the word shower, and I have heard of people using their actual bathroom shower. Is this what you mean, or just misting for a long time?
  6. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    What are bluebottle flies??? I have never heard of them. My girlfriend and I tend to shy away from pesticides, and the only thing we spray anywhere around our house is a poison ivy killer at the back of our house. We are pretty close to hippies without the weed. We are even working our way...
  7. Slug

    Free beer!!

    Had it been cases of Guiness...I would have cried with happiness. But Miller Light, I wouldn't pick it up. (BTW, I am a homebrewer as well)
  8. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    I will give this a shot! It is a WC for sure, it was verified the other day. I plan on getting a fecal done possibly tomorrow or this weekend. According to Big Apple Pet Supply, they do all the deworming in house before sale. They seem to be on the up and up, but I will still get it checked to...
  9. Slug

    DIYcages B grades anyone buy them?

    Look at the inside of a screen door, it is the rubbery bit that holds in the screen and keeps it tight on the frame.
  10. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    Yes, mealworms. I have also gotten some fruit flies since it was recommended to get it's attention, but I am worried that if they don't get eaten, I will have a bunch of fruit flies loose in the house...
  11. Slug

    New Enclosure and Lighting Question

    Why can I never find deals like that on Craig's List when I look? I would love to have found that cage for free! Looks good.
  12. Slug

    I made my purchase!

    I have. It seems to make them harder to keep track of, since I am trying to see if it is eating well. So I am kind if damned if I do, damned if I don't. I have even tried placing a cricket a few inches in front of it on a leaf with no luck. The most I have found is a dismembered cricket in...
  13. Slug

    DIYcages B grades anyone buy them?

    You should be able to find a resplining tool at any hardware store for relatively cheap. It may be a good investment if you plan on resplining any screen cages. I have one that I inherited after my parents redid all their windows and screen doors. It looks like a pizza cutter type thing with a...
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