Thanks for the great advice everyone. I know that ideally I would never leave for more than a couple of days, unfortunately for someone who goes to college in the middle of nowhere, that isn't really an option. I pretty much have to go home at least twice a year during holidays and the like...
OK thanks Rickky that is good to know.
Are there any chameleons other than pygmy chameleons that can be kept all the time as a pair (male/female)...sorry for all the questions
Thanks a lot for the help!
OK, so it doesn't sound like it would be too much work for someone to come and feed when we are gone. It also sounds like crickets are the preferred feed of choice. How much would you say one would spend in a month on crickets for one veiled chameleon? Just out of...
Hi there!
I have recently been doing some research about chameleons as they seem like such interesting pets. Despite all the great information on this website and others, there are still a couple of questions I haven't found an answer to. I am currently in Vet school, so a few times a year I...