Vet results came back, unfortunately, Louie seems to have eaten a piece of zip tie I used to keep the vines together in the enclosure.:( I will miss my Louie.
Dropped him off at the vet, they said it would probably be tomorrow before they knew anything, maybe longer, depending. I will let you guys know what I find out.
Thanks everyone, I have been thinking, I started feeding him small to extra small crickets, but I was feeding him medium sized ones the last couple of weeks, was I feeding him enough? He looked ok.
I guess it is possible, he was my first Chameleon, would there have been anything I should have looked for? His eyes looked fine and there was nothing around his nose.
Louie was about seven inches from tip on his nose to his rump. I don't know if that helps. I did make one mistake I guess I bought him at pet smart. I keep trying to figure out what I did wrong I feel horrible.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Veiled,male, not sure of the age, but he was about 11" nose to tip of tail. He's been in my care about a month
Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? I had only handled...
I researched for months prior to getting my Louie (veiled chameleon). I made sure his habitat was set up with misting system, heat and UVB lighting. I got a large reptibreeze and set it up prior to getting Louie. I have had him a little over a month. He was eating fine and pooping fine moving...
My veiled chameleon, Louie, is about six inches long and weighs 8 grams. He is my first Cham,but not my first reptile. My question is an I feed him silkworms at this size? I have been feeding him xsmall crickets and tiny meal worms occasionally,but want to safely vary his diet.