hi. you have mis-read methinks. if noted on my reply to chameleoman here i stated "I KNEW" when to...........
no, just you made the query regarding them being together in sept 2010 again by mouthing off before even digesting what was written in previous posts in thread. i also told you what...
thanks. no they never fought over food, space or sleeping spots(they picked one first night in abode and kept to em). but after a while you could tell who became the dominant one. (i'll let you decide from pics ;)). i knew when to seperate tho by watching her demeanor towards the other even...
hi. this is my yemen chameleon sisters Ethel & Edna's album from when they were bought to present day. updated only so often now she is older.
using photobucket to lessen thread...
hi. thanks for the praise. mine stands at 6' overall inc substrate area and stand which is ideal for the cham's basking and rest area being high up to help him/her feel more at ease. on the waterproofing side you can easily adopt the plastic tub/tank method to keep the substrate and water in...
hi. how high are you having the setup overall i.e. floor standing, stand etc. incorporating a stand into the build means you can use the base as drainage overspill area and an hidden collector to recycle the now "nutritional soup" . if you want to integrate the substrate/planting into the build...
thanks. the notes were put there so you could understand my methods and hints for anyone else to utilise and more importantly to be corrected by any issues raised by the viewer if need be(none was raised even tho' blatant errors ensued!!!) glad i did not post here whilst on the build ;)...
i know. stated this in my last note. wish i'd known beforehand :mad:
thank you. your appreciation is welcoming.
thank you. as noted with the plans it was not a rush job, so made the long project more rewarding when finished. (my opinion mind) :D
thank you. edna left someway through...
hello all. i have just come across your forum and so my first post here and would like to show a build log of my cham's viv i built a little while ago. this was a build and research venture combined so bear with the project as you, understandingly, will note issues as i go along and addressed...