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  1. W

    Baby vield problems

    Low 70's. right under were the 40watt used to be was around 78.. she moves around allot i see her sitting on different plants often. I use papertowel as a substrate so i know she hasn't eaten anything bad... She was fed a Large cricket on accident once(about a month ago).. She looked like it was...
  2. W

    Baby vield problems

    I got a female baby vield chameleon about 2 months ago. She is always on the top screen of her tank? is that normal?. She has not grown at all. I almost never see her eat. The past couple of weeks i keep seeing her pop stuck to her bottom. Any suggestions? She is in a 20g tank has a 40watt...
  3. W

    New Baby Chameleon Sleepy??

    yesterday I got a baby female chameleon(3inches) for my Girlfriend(i own a male veiled). I'm keeping her in a 20gallon tank until she get a little bigger. I have 16"-16"-30" on order that i plan on using. I have 2 repti glo 5.0 bulbs going and a 60watt blue bulb zoned off in the corner of her...
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