I haven't seen this on Pete before... He's about 4.5 mos ... Been eating and drinking fine... Poop looks good.... Anyone know why the puffy throat?
Thank you!
I gotta agree. I'm still correcting all the wrong equipment that came in my kit. Mainly, the UVB fixture (I went to a linear to provide the required amt. of UVB for calcium absorbtion, cuz MBD is to be avoided at all cost$) and the medium enclosure isn't big enough for more than a few months...
Absolutely! I've had many critters over the years and you are spot on. Just easier said than done....maybe a glass(es) of wine before cage cleaning is in order.
Hey all! I've got a rather embarrassing (but I suspect fairly common) problem - don't worry, it's chameleon-related - I have a VERY skittish little 4 mos. old veiled male. When cleaning day comes around each week, I have to enlist my son's help because I am literally afraid to fetch Pete out...
how bout snails? what kind? where to buy? and how to keep?
I have a nano aquarium FULL of baby nerites (that isn't supposed to happen, but she/he found a way...)