I've used the apple cider vinegar with the plastic wrap with holes in it as graves 923 above stated, i added couple drops of dish washing soap as it keeps them from flying away when they touch it , worked really well for me.
As long as both the fixture and lamp were both HO i don't see the problem . I'm assuming the fixture was working properly being you had a Reptisun lamp in it , so i can only imagine perhaps the new lamp had a defect? Might be worth contacting Arcadia , they have the best lamps going IMO ...
Its like slowly unwrapping a present watching their colors come in as they get older , amazing animals they are . Good luck with the little guy , he looks fantastic !
I used them for my Crested gecko and he loved them , they can really get a sturdy grip on the vines . As for the particles i never noticed them at the bottom of his terrarium but they did come loose when i scrubbed them clean with a brush .
Just looked at the Dragon Strand cage , they are top quality ! I didn't know he had glass sides to some of them , thanks for pointing them out . I will definitely consider them when the time comes !