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  1. Ambilobe123

    I have a chameleon egg from chameleon101 and is the date it has on the lid the date it’s most likely gonna hatch?

    If you could copy and paste this form, and fill out the info, we can make sure everything’s set up perfectly for your future chameleon. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your...
  2. Ambilobe123

    I have a chameleon egg from chameleon101 and is the date it has on the lid the date it’s most likely gonna hatch?

    If you’d like we can review your husbandry, not all the info out there is accurate.
  3. Ambilobe123

    I have a chameleon egg from chameleon101 and is the date it has on the lid the date it’s most likely gonna hatch?

    There is nothing wrong with candling the egg, unless you are doing so excessively. As well, in the long run, an egg may be more expensive to raise, and the baby chameleon is far more sensitive to improper husbandry.
  4. Ambilobe123

    I have a chameleon egg from chameleon101 and is the date it has on the lid the date it’s most likely gonna hatch?

    Generally, buying and selling eggs is not recommended. You’d be better off with a 3 month old, especially as a new keeper. As long as the egg is not moldy or showing other signs of being dead, there is no reason to give up on it. If you think it might be infertile, you can look up how to...
  5. Ambilobe123

    My veiled chameleon is unusually friendly and adventurous!

    If you’d like to just double-check, you can post a pic of the enclosure. Otherwise, really (healthy) good looking cham, and welcome to the forums!
  6. Ambilobe123

    Is this head bobbing behavior "normal"

    If he saw his reflection in the water, that could make him feel defensive. Pretty normal reaction for a cham, but if the water down there is a normal thing, it will stress him out. You also might want to remove the fake plants because of the impaction risk.
  7. Ambilobe123

    How do I enter? As a newbie

    Unfortunately, until you receive member status, you aren’t allowed to enter the photo contest. By posting questions, answers, or sharing pics of your cham, you will soon get this status (possibly by the start of next month’s contest!). This rule is in place to prevent spammers and trolls. In...
  8. Ambilobe123

    Panther chameleon with little coloring

    Could just be the lighting 🤷‍♀️ Perfect! He looks healthy, good job!
  9. Ambilobe123

    Panther chameleon with little coloring

    He looks obese, how old is he and how often do you feed him?
  10. Ambilobe123

    Myths about feeder insects....

    Very interesting read, but there are many things wrong with the pic above the title…
  11. Ambilobe123

    Is he healthy ??

    So for an enclosure you’ll want a 24” x 24” x 48” tall screen enclosure Coloured lights are not recommended. Regular incandescent bulbs work best You’ll need a T5ho linear uvb bulb and fixture. Compact bulbs do not put out enough uvb. Is the thermometer/hygrometer digital or analog? Analog...
  12. Ambilobe123

    Chameleon Jokes

    Where I’m from, they sell them by age and you just guess how big they’ll be. It’s quite a pain when you order 2-week crickets and they show up big enough to eat the cham.
  13. Ambilobe123

    Receptive / Gravid photo thread

    Taken a couple hours apart, both receptive and gravid.
  14. Ambilobe123

    Where do i buy dubias roaches? CANADA!!

    It’s only Australian and Surinam roaches allowed up here, unfortunately. Although I wouldn’t mind a couple of those dubias, to start my own colony.
  15. Ambilobe123

    Thinking of rescuing this guy . . .

    I can’t tell from these photos, but is he missing part of his tail?
  16. Ambilobe123

    Parakeets color?

    That’s probably a factor in their personalities. Males are (IMO) better pets as they are friendlier, easier to train, and will not lay eggs.
  17. Ambilobe123

    Soo i kinda bought another one ive been hiding from yall 🤔😏 hehe

    You forgot nosey be are allowed to be named Picasso.
  18. Ambilobe123

    Baby panther or something else?

    Absolutely stunning colours, and most definitely a boy this time. If you cut the right amount (around 8” is ideal) you can easily root the cutting.
  19. Ambilobe123

    Frog question

    Possibly, but that wouldn’t explain the pigment loss. As well, their courtship is REALLY loud, and I haven’t heard a peep from any of them since last spring.
  20. Ambilobe123

    Soo i kinda bought another one ive been hiding from yall 🤔😏 hehe

    Beautiful colours, love the blues he has.
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