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  1. Ambilobe123

    Distilled water $1.89/ gallon!!

    For my MistKing I use tap water, and it has never clogged a nozzle
  2. Ambilobe123

    BSFL...digestibility...leopard geckos...

    Very interesting! I guess BSFL aren’t quite the “miracle feeders” they are marketed as.
  3. Ambilobe123

    tongue turned dark...

    I’m sorry for your loss. If you fill in the husbandry form, we can help you figure out what happened to Zeus, or if you get another chameleon how to prevent it from happening again.
  4. Ambilobe123

    Fired Up Fridays

    Good to know he’s ok.
  5. Ambilobe123

    Fired Up Fridays

    Is this divot supposed to be there? Might just be the species, but this is something I’d be concerned about. Beautiful cham though!
  6. Ambilobe123

    CA Ambilobes - Alberta, Canada

    Completely understandable - if you have time/space/etc. next year I would love to sell you one.
  7. Ambilobe123

    CA Ambilobes - Alberta, Canada

    @kinyonga @Kaizen need another cham?
  8. Ambilobe123

    Fired Up Fridays

    I was holding her when she saw Leo… and not feeling receptive, she fired up. Brought her back to the privacy of her cage right away. Couldn’t resist a couple photos first, though.
  9. Ambilobe123

    tongue turned dark...

    I’m sorry, there is a lot wrong in this photo. Your chameleon has severe MBD, and unfortunately I have never seen one this far gone survive. The red is likely from a cricket bite or something similar.
  10. Ambilobe123

    9 months, will he get much more color?

    what locale is he?
  11. Ambilobe123

    9 months, will he get much more color?

    My cham was about the same at that age. They all develop at their own speed, so I wouldn’t worry as long as you have correct husbandry. In a couple months or so he should have even more colour. He’s beautiful already, too!
  12. Ambilobe123

    It's almost Christmas....

    Someone needs to make one with colour changing abilities.
  13. Ambilobe123

    Cham forums having trouble with the space-time continuum

    Happened a couple times so far- anyone else?
  14. Ambilobe123

    Most sought after panther Cham color

    Just choose your favourite, they are stunning no matter the colour form. For availability, Ambilobe is the most common locale, but they can have almost any combination of red, yellow, green and/or blue.
  15. Ambilobe123

    Post your beautiful female Panthers

    Clea and her best colours. Blue/orange pyjamas and some cool gravid colours.
  16. Ambilobe123

    Most sought after panther Cham color

    Ok, ok, I raise you an Ambilobe.
  17. Ambilobe123

    Conversation with my mom about holiday visits 😂

    My mom’s great with all the animals, calls my male cham handsome, etc. My dad still thinks my tiger salamander is a lizard.
  18. Ambilobe123

    Most sought after panther Cham color

    Honestly depends on the locale. Personally the purples in some ambanja, but nosy boraha also have really unique colours. Go with what you personally like, there are tons of combinations of colours.
  19. Ambilobe123

    CA Ambilobes - Alberta, Canada

    Update: some nice greens coming in on the males, almost 2 months old!
  20. Ambilobe123

    In Need of Assistance

    Beautiful enclosure! I’ve been trying to get my nepenthes to make pitchers, but no luck so far…
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