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  1. B


    I have a chameleon breeze cage its all screen. And is almost always vented with outside fresh air. Is there a different substrate i could use
  2. B


    Hey guys ive been using eco earth substrate to help keep humidity in my chameleons cage is there something else i could use ? Would this be causing a respritory infection.
  3. 30437.jpg


  4. baby pascal

    baby pascal

  5. B

    very worried

    update Thanks for all ur help i did take my baby chameleon "pascal" to the vet he is on antibiotics and going to be just fine ! Yay! Thanks again everyone i appreciate it.
  6. B

    very worried

    Hi. Ok i know yall will be mad and say im dumb because this happend but i need some advice my veiled chameleon and my 1 yr old cat have never had issues like she hasnt payed any attention to him bfor but today i had my chameleon on my lap while cleaning the cage and my cat just out of know where...
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