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  1. d3s5

    If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, then how bad of a decision can it...

    If no one comes from the future to stop you from doing it, then how bad of a decision can it really be?
  2. d3s5

    Congratulations and good luck with everything!

    Congratulations and good luck with everything!
  3. d3s5

    . . . scratching me right where I itch. . .

    . . . scratching me right where I itch. . .
  4. d3s5

    Happy 7th Hatch Day to Dulce

    Happy Hatchday, Dulce! She’s a sweetheart! Beautiful! Deb
  5. d3s5

    Amos and Fiona and Their Babies so far

    Gorgeous family lineage! I never EVER get tired of looking at baby stink-eye! Absolutely adorable! Deb
  6. d3s5

    The First Baby Has Hatched

  7. d3s5

    Happy Second Hatch Day to Fiona

    Fiona - you’re a beautiful two-year-old! Happy Hatchday, girl!
  8. d3s5

    AMAZING tribute for my chameleon Boomer from Kammerflage Kreations

    Oh, so sorry, Carol. Of course, I remember Boomer and the disbelief I had over his colors! He was stunning! So sorry for your loss. RIP Boomer Deb
  9. d3s5

    The Sweetest Baby on Nosy Be

    Oh goodness! What a sweet little thing!
  10. d3s5

    Dewey's 2 Month and 3 Month Photos

    He just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Deb
  11. d3s5

    Nosy Be panther chameleon in their natural habitat

    Thanks for the photos, Jann! As usual, can’t wait to see more! Deb
  12. d3s5

    Madagascar Here We Come

    Jann, have a fantastic and safe trip! As others have stated - bring back lots of photos! Deb
  13. d3s5

    Have a wonderful and safe trip, Jann! Bring back lots of photos!

    Have a wonderful and safe trip, Jann! Bring back lots of photos!
  14. d3s5

    We Picked Up a Little New Guy This Morning

    Love the name! What a sweet little cutie pie! It will be fun to see him grow up here on the forums! Congratulations Jann and welcome Dewey! Deb
  15. d3s5

    New Video of my Chameleons

    Awww, they are all so sweet, Jann! I love your photos but it’s also great to see your beauties in motion! Deb
  16. d3s5

    Photos of my boys Amos and Stanley

    Jann, they are VERY handsome boys - but . . . I can’t wait for pics of the BABIES!!! Deb
  17. d3s5

    Exciting news! Care to add any details???

    Exciting news! Care to add any details???
  18. d3s5

    My Little Iggy Piper is One Year Old

    Piper is just gorgeous! Obviously, you were meant to find each other in this life. How lucky for all! Happy Hatchday, Piper! Deb
  19. d3s5

    My Stanley has passed....

    Lisa, so sorry for your loss. They always take a piece of our hearts. Stanley was certainly a very special boy. RIP Deb
  20. d3s5

    Little Stanley Just Shy of 9 Months Old

    Love, love, LOVE those colors! What a beautiful boy! Deb
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