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  1. SueAndHerZoo

    Do you hang your mantis ooths?

    Oh no! That's almost funny, but not funny for you. Lesson learned! :) Have you hatched any since that fiasco? Sue
  2. SueAndHerZoo

    Do you hang your mantis ooths?

    Wow, that's one I hadn't read yet.... I guess there's more than one way to hatch an ooth! Since I have five, I may try five different methods for future reference. Sue
  3. SueAndHerZoo

    Do you hang your mantis ooths?

    I've YouTubed and read a few articles about hatching ooths and some mention hanging them from the top of an enclosure so the mantis can hatch and exit the egg via some strings, but others mention just putting them in their enclosures and letting it happen that way. I'm going to hatch my 5...
  4. SueAndHerZoo

    who is the oldest in age on the forums

    Oh, alright.... I'm in. 65 here and still crazy as ever, especially about any and all kinds of living things (except humans!) :) Sue
  5. SueAndHerZoo

    Mantis eggs arrived.... questions

    Thanks, that was helpful! I know my local pet stores almost always have fruit flies so as soon as I see them starting to hatch I'll go load up. If I want to "gift" a container of them to a few people, do they need to care for the youngin's or can they just release them in their gardens? Sue
  6. SueAndHerZoo

    Mantis eggs arrived.... questions

    I ordered and received 5 of the North Carolina species and now am trying to figure out what to do with them. I would like to put one or two in each chameleon cage and then put the rest in individual containers and possibly give them to friends and relatives for their garden. Couple of...
  7. SueAndHerZoo

    Katchy Question

    Thanks for the tip! My jaw drops every morning when I look at the Katchy to see how many it caught.... it's mind boggling that I had that many in the cages and didn't know it! I've also put those yellow sticky decals on the outside of the cages near the Katchy and a few on the outside of...
  8. SueAndHerZoo

    Katchy Question

    Thanks, ordered them from a seller on EBay a few hours ago. Tonight I order more Isopods and springtails. :) Sue
  9. SueAndHerZoo

    Katchy Question

    Thank you both for your replies. I agree with the "bandaid" analogy because what I really need to do is find a more permanent solution to keeping the numbers down, rather than catching and destroying them as they continually breed and hatch. But wow, I had no idea they had gotten so bad...
  10. SueAndHerZoo

    Katchy Question

    I searched and read a lot of posts about the Katchy for gnats and just received mine in the mail. I had assumed that I would keep it in the bottom of the chameleon cages (would rotate it from one cage to another each night but then realized I probably can't do that with a mister going off a...
  11. SueAndHerZoo

    Was the diet too successful?

    I have watched his videos and learned so much - thank you for sharing. Still hard for me to know if I'm doing right by my fella but he's definitely not in the "obese" category. We think he's between 1-2 years old. I got him from a person who wasn't taking care of him. No plants (just...
  12. SueAndHerZoo

    ‘Spy’ cam suggestions?

    Following this old/new thread because now I want one, too! :) Sue
  13. SueAndHerZoo

    we have a problem !

    Following since I've wondered the same thing. Sue
  14. SueAndHerZoo

    Have eggs or just a little porker?

    This is Bonnie (since my male is named Clyde) that I got from Fram's Chams 9 days ago. She was between 3-4 months old when I picked her up and I know it's possible but it's really kinda early for her to be having eggs, isn't it? The only reason I'm suspicious is because this morning I saw...
  15. SueAndHerZoo

    Was the diet too successful?

    Sure wish I could lose 5% of my body weight that easily! Sue
  16. SueAndHerZoo

    Was the diet too successful?

    My rescue male veiled was a bit overweight when I got him so I put him on a diet. He went from 105 gr. to 99 grams. Now he looks skinny to me. Does this look like a good weight or did I go too far with his diet? (Wish I could be as diligent with MY diets!) Sue
  17. SueAndHerZoo

    Leaving his mark

    "Gee, this plant looks tasty. Oops - yuck - never mind!"
  18. SueAndHerZoo

    Sabel palm

    OK, glad I passed on it - thanks for the confirmation. Sue P.S. Finally home at my computer, Googled Sago Palm photos, and that's EXACTLY what it is. Thanks, everyone! Sue
  19. SueAndHerZoo

    Sabel palm

    Thanks for the help, guys, and sorry I posted this question twice - first time trying this forum from my phone and I guess I need more practice. I didn't take any of the plants he was offering but can always go back and get them if I change my mind. Sue
  20. SueAndHerZoo

    Sabel palm

    Thanks. Maybe he called it by the wrong name because he's had it growing indoors for about 5 years now. I didn't take it, just in case. And the part that looks like a pineapple may have scratched the cham's skin so didn't take chances. Thanks for trying to help. :) Sue
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